New Barrel Like Christmas?

Arrived and looks pretty good. Hopefully it will shoot lights out but I do have high expectations. The barrel is more of a surprise for my son to have an elk rifle that he can buy factory ammo for since he doesn't reload and no interest to do so. That is once I am done with it! 300WSM 26" Sendero contour, stayed with 1:10 since I really don't plan on shooting real heavyweights with maybe 200 being the heaviest at most. Probably starting with 185 Berger Hybrid and have some hope the Speer 190 Impact will shoot well enough. Yes it is a Remage build. Once put together I can see what rings and rail needs to be ordered. New scope came in yesterday so really itchy now.
Arrived and looks pretty good. Hopefully it will shoot lights out but I do have high expectations. The barrel is more of a surprise for my son to have an elk rifle that he can buy factory ammo for since he doesn't reload and no interest to do so. That is once I am done with it! 300WSM 26" Sendero contour, stayed with 1:10 since I really don't plan on shooting real heavyweights with maybe 200 being the heaviest at most. Probably starting with 185 Berger Hybrid and have some hope the Speer 190 Impact will shoot well enough. Yes it is a Remage build. Once put together I can see what rings and rail needs to be ordered. New scope came in yesterday so really itchy now.View attachment 179930

Oh yeah it never really goes away, its just what triggers it that changes.
Right now my Manners stock is being built hopefully doesn't go past May, just ordered the Hells Canyon barrel that's 12 weeks. The action will be here next Friday though from Lone Peak. Oh I have been stalking around the house just waiting.
Two buddies talking. One asks other "what's the name of that flower. You know, the one everyone sends at Valentines. "
Bud answers " you mean rose?"

"Yeah, rose". Turns to kitchen and hollers "Hey Rose honey, did that rifle barrel arrive today?"
RP: 700 SA (from a SPS 300WSM I had) , Timney trigger, Wolf fp spring, going to see how it shoots with this barrel before next steps with action. Barrel is Preferred Barrel, 1:10 (decided not to go faster since this rifle will be my son's and he doesn't reload) 5R, 26", Sendero contour with the obvious spiral fluting, trying a Bushnell Forge 2.5x15x50 2nd FP on it (MidwayUSA has them at $349 with 29% rebate on them), 20MOA Leupold rail, Vortex Pro rings. Trying to keep costs down as much as I can and still get a decent 600 yd rig. Not sure if I am going to weigh it since I am pretty sure it will be north of 10 lbs finished. Hope to start break in tomorrow.
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