Merry CHRISTmas to all. I stood on the sidelines and watched and listened for some time. Slowly I began to become involved in varying posts. I've grown to respect the "wisdom" of so many born of lots of experience. I've been here long enough to miss some who've left either by their own choice or as the result of their "violations". I've seen new members join the family. And I'm glad to be considered a part of the LRH family. May the best of the New Year be to you and yours.
This site is so bad...I can delete every other non vital email on a busy day, but it seems I can't help but spend at least 30 minutes reading almost every post here. The knowledge shared here is invaluable and the camaraderie is refreshing. Yes there are spats between 6.5 CM groupies and haters and between those of us who love Bergers and those who think they're trash, but overall, the upbeat attitude and family atmosphere are refreshing and reflect well on the guy who started it and maintains the high standards. Thanks Len!
And Merry Christmas to all!
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