Merry Christmas and safe New Year to all! My uncle passed away not too long ago and I put together a collage of hunting fishing photos of him with family. The message on the collage is as true for him as it is for all on LRH:

"May your arrow fly true, fish stay hooked and bullet finds the mark. Amen"
sorry about your uncle!
Merry Christmas to all!! Glad I found this place in early 2019 and thankful to have contributed in a small way and benefitted (in a big way!) from the discourse here. Remember the reason for the season and may there be a long, rectangular box, wrapped up pretty under the tree for all the good little LRH boys and girls!
Merry Christmas to you all!
I'm off till Jan 6th and I'm going hunting.
I must share this.
I've learned a lot from you gentleman.
I missed a coyote yesterday while deer hunting.
I know it's not something to be proud of, but it was just between 460-475 yards according to google earth maps.
The dirt flew right over the top of his back.
I would of never even attempted that shot without knowing what I've learned here.
I know what to correct now.
Next time, he's down.
Thanks to everyone.
Y'all be safe!
Merry Christmas to all my friends, clients and everyone one on the forum!
Thank you for another good year of sharing and giving. Sometimes we argue and fight like most families but mostly we share.
God Bless all of you and your loved ones
And you and your family Richland and all here. Merry Christmas
New guy here. I have been slowly lurking for a while, and only recently starting to contribute.

I have to say the community here is really quite special—missing the immature spatting and ego-boasting/bashing of the internet commandos found on other sites.

Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this community.

Merry Christmas to all.
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