Merry christmas

Yep, best words ever said, Merry Christmas and Happy NewYear to ya'll and may God bless ya'll and our new Pres. elect Donald Trump.
Happy Festivus and Merry Christmas to you as well Rich. And the same goes for everyone else.


Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.

God bless us every one.
Merry Christmas to everyone... I hope we are all around next year with this lunatic taking over !! Pleasant dreams, enjoy your kids/grandkids, eat a little less, drink a lot more, watch a lot of football, relax, buy a new 4x4 for yourself, remember all of yours that have passed on and relive all those Christmases with them and everything will be fine !!! Merry Christmas ...
Merry Christmas everyone, thanks to Len for the forums and all of you for all the great discussions and here's to many more:):D stay safe and shoot straight ladies and gentlemen gun)
Merry Christmas to you all. Special thanks to Len and Andy for the forum, Rich Sherman and all the contributors of last year's Christmas build challenge. My ffl closed before ups could deliver the gun so hopefully I will be able to pick it up on Monday and will update the build thread asap afterwards.
Just wanted to take a minute to thank EVERYONE for another great year of learning and sharing info! We are really blessed on this forum for the wealth of info and a lot of quality guys. I also would like to thank Len for the freedom we have and for some times (putting up) with us:D
MERRY CHRISTMAS to all and a Blessed New Year!............Rich

Merry Christmas to you, too, Rich! And also to Len and Andy and all of those who make LRH such a wealth of good information for those of us trying to learn to shoot long range!
I hope you all have the most wonderful Christmas and that the joys of the season last throughout 2017 and beyond!

Merry Christmas and happy New Year to all the fine people on this forum.May we all get a new rifle under the tree.
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