My thoughts on solid copper bullets and in comparison to other bullet types.

And that's why I stopped. It appears now I'm just being attacked and even my business has been drug into it, which I not once named before this. How unfortunate.
I don't know you, to have an opinion positively or negatively. I've read a lot of the thread, but not all of it.

This one line however explains the push back quite well. Others have experienced it, some disappear, some choose to stay. Sucks either way.

You've also experienced those with an agenda pushing you forward.

Not really a new thing, just new to you.
Could you please explain this picture ( it's been posted by you if you forgot)
That leads me into some of your pics on here & other threads & in conjunction with your upcoming book I noted that you had posted a picture of the badlands pill that Cody had shot & corrected your summary which is great but if this is going to go in your book from your notes I'd suspect you would have to get permission of that person first along with quoting other individuals
Now I've put up some pictures & described in some of what the content is but I do not want any of my information in a book that I've had no input to check the facts are correct
I freely ( or ask others or they ask me ) to put them on this forum & hammers to hopefully help others

Just the way I am so the truth dosent get distorted



  • 097C945C-8083-4208-97AF-CA1A8ABBE1AE.png
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Could you please explain this picture ( it's been posted by you if you forgot)
That leads me into some of your pics on here & other threads & in conjunction with your upcoming book I noted that you had posted a picture of the badlands pill that Cody had shot & corrected your summary which is great but if this is going to go in your book from your notes I'd suspect you would have to get permission of that person first along with quoting other individuals
Now I've put up some pictures & described in some of what the content is but I do not want any of my information in a book that I've had no input to check the facts are correct
I freely ( or ask others or they ask me ) to put them on this forum & hammers to hopefully help others

Just the way I am so the truth dosent get distorted

No pictures will be in my book that I do not have express permission to use, nor names, nor quotes.. Have no fear.

That picture you asked about is my own. It was a whitetail deer, shot by a Barnes TTSX.

I hope that answers your question and clears that up. Good day, Brett.
@ Petey 308,..
Stick it out, Bro !
I've been "attacked" Here, a few Times myself over, the Years,.. you CAN'T, Win em, all !
I for One, APPRECIATE what, you had to say, your KNOWLEDGE and your, Tests !
Personally, after shooting a bunch of Animals over, the Years with, MANY types of Bullets,..
I'm now in, the Fast / Explosive,.. DROP Em' on, the Spot "Camp" !
Here's another one with Hammer Hunter 6.5mm 124 gr opening around 1717 fps. He said one around 13XX didn't open but shed a petal? Anyways it's a lot to ask of a bullet to open at that velocity (13XX fps).
Gday asd9055

Im definitely the not so perfect in so many ways & extremely test all brands for which I form my opinion
Trying not to make this a hammer post & will reply in other posts to clear my mind but this is a hammer post by me sorry guys & look away if you don't like

Here's my position after extensive testing in real life conditions over a wide variety of animals & shot angles & a few calibers
Hammers are in a league of there own
Tests done to many to mention . total numbers well over my usual minimum 1000 ( if the brand shows promise after 100 tests )

Do I suger coat it no as Steve well knows
Others won't know the full extent of my testing which is cool & im in a lucky position to have a pretty endless supply of animals

Do I get anything in return
Hell yeah it's called satisfaction of knowing a animal won't suffer & people meat in the freezer
I purchase nearly all my own ammo & steve now supplies me with bulk packets in some calibers
I have received some .510 pills off Steve free as he has no rifle to shoot them ( they are about to go into buffalo & like ) but will change once he gets his & I offered to pay ( got ****ed @ him for not taking money)

Here's one of my last sample pack from Steve & I bought a few different offerings home from the states in July
Got home 14 th & shot over 500 animals since then
Just over 200 with hammers others a mix of cup & core to solid ( in nature not a true solid ) of various brands

This is my position all will kill it's when muppets like me get behind the trigger that hammers excel over the widest possible impact velocity ranges (over nearly 3k in some chamberings ) , angles & resistances that no other pill I've used comes close & I've used a lot of brands & types

Lastly some of the pills I use from hammer are prototypes & they won't make it to market for good reason as Steve won't accept average or just right preformance & either will I
Worst I've had is a 600 yard run from a pill you won't see on his website for a 308 for good reason & no lost animals which is pretty amazing considering the sheer numbers my shooting ability & previous history of other brands

Majority of brands are pretty good though

Lastly on hammers dare I say 🤔no I won't make your own mind up

I stopped following this thread when the personal attacks started. I checked a couple of times because when someone quotes me I get notified.
Let me repeat something I said, which is a contrary experience I observe on this forum than you describe
A person is "baited" into testing a product
That person accepts
No sooner than he accepts, rules are imposed on the test with a quick followup of trying to discredit the tester before the bullets were mailed. That effort has continutued over the last couple of days
Now Personally I like to hear from hunters like you but my experience these least 6-8 months on this forum, is if you dare say anything other than hammer, it will become personal. And if the thread grows, it will be closed, or shut down or removed.
I read your post twice, and my conclusion is you are biased. Its like I am biased when it comes to Ford Trucks. I had great luck with them and bad like with the rest. Have a tried every model of the rest? NOPE, do I need to? NOPE
I never critisized ANY monos, because I have NO experience hunting with any
This is the only forum that I have personally experienced and also observed personal attacks when someone disagrees with you. It started when I dare to mention QuickLoad program a couple of years ago.
And I observed the last year becoming more aggressive.
I think it is time for me to take a break from anything bullet related on this forum, it is futile to continue
Thank you all for your contributions to my education
Good shooting...good hunting
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I stopped following this thread when the personal attacks started. I checked a couple of times because when someone quotes me I get notified.
Let me repeat something I said, which is a contrary experience I observe on this forum than you describe
A person is "baited" into testing a product
That person accepts
No sooner than he accepts, rules are imposed on the test with a quick followup of trying to discredit the tester before the bullets were mailed. That effort has continutued over the last couple of days
Now Personally I like to hear from hunters like you but my experience these least 6-8 months on this forum, is if you dare say anything other than hammer, it will become personal. And if the thread grows, it will be closed, or shut down or removed.
I read your post twice, and my conclusion is you are biased. Its like I am biased when it comes to Ford Trucks. I had great luck with them and bad like with the rest. Have a tried every model of the rest? NOPE, do I need to? NOPE
I never critisized ANY monos, because I have NO experience hunting with any
This is the only forum that I have personally experienced and also observed personal attacks when someone disagrees with you. It started when I dare to mention QuickLoad program a couple of years ago.
And I observed the last year becoming more aggressive.
I think it is time for me to take a break from anything bullet related on this forum, it is futile to continue
Thank you all for your contributions to my education
Good shooting...good hunting
Oh man I'd for one would be sorry to see you go. But I understand as I also am considering leaving here. I only stay because I made some good friends on here. Some post make me laugh on a really bad day. And I love firearms.
Here's another one with Hammer Hunter 6.5mm 124 gr opening around 1717 fps. He said one around 13XX didn't open but shed a petal? Anyways it's a lot to ask of a bullet to open at that velocity (13XX fps).

Down loading to get a lower impact velocity changes bullet expansion because of impact RPM are lower than they would be shot at full power at range, changes stability also while it's interesting it's not reality.
Down loading to get a lower impact velocity changes bullet expansion because of impact RPM are lower than they would be shot at full power at range, changes stability also while it's interesting it's not reality.
Yes and I have no idea of the calibration of the gel. It's been twelve years since I did gel tests so I don't even know if they need to be calibrated anymore. but it's interesting and may give some insights. Though as you say not completely accurate.

Edit: Actually the gel tests I did was over 25 years ago. Around 12 years ago the media I used was some sort of bone meal based media if I remember correctly.