My first build

Sorry to hear about your Father. My Dad is my hunting buddy to and I head back to Missouri every year to do a deer hunt. He barely shoots himself any more at least not hunting. Just likes to watch me mow them down. Truely sorry for your loss.

Devin does deal Brux and you never know he might have one in stock. Another option might be Northland shooting supply and Jim Briggs. He carries CBI (Criterion) barrels. I'm told they are the button rifled side of Krieger barrels. They are nice tubes for sure. I've helped a guy install one just recently and the things shoots. Barely fouls and only has maybe 60rds down it. Jim also carries Shilen. I got my Shilen 300wm from Jim and it does real well. Last time I checked he was about 8wks out on stuff he had to order. Yet another option would be . They stock and sell McGowen barrels which a lot of people say are nice. Hand lapped and all that jazz. Might actually be worth a try.
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Thanks Rinodods.

I took the Savage out this weekend to check it out before I change out he barrel and it looks like the trigger is going to go as well. Has a heavy pull. Had a hard time with my other rifles after shooting that. Might need to "dial" all my triggers to the same pull weight.
Thanks Rinodods.

I took the Savage out this weekend to check it out before I change out he barrel and it looks like the trigger is going to go as well. Has a heavy pull. Had a hard time with my other rifles after shooting that. Might need to "dial" all my triggers to the same pull weight.
that's might worth u a try.
The stock trigger is a little heavy but if you take down the rifle and look there is a little wire that runs along the side that can be replaced with .040 piano or spring wire. That'll drop the pull down for you a little. Also there is a shop called Tactical Works ( in Ft. Collins that has good prices on the Sharp Shooter Supply competition trigger. They are about as cheap as you'll find for that trigger. You'll also have it in no time. They ship quick. I'm running two of those triggers and after they get adjusted they are pretty awesome. Oh and just in case you were wondering when you are looking at barrels yours will be a small or standard shank.

Thanks Rinodods.

I took the Savage out this weekend to check it out before I change out he barrel and it looks like the trigger is going to go as well. Has a heavy pull. Had a hard time with my other rifles after shooting that. Might need to "dial" all my triggers to the same pull weight.
If you need any parts, including barrels and stocks, check out Welcome to the "Savage world" lol. I have 3 different ones and a target action I bought for a build... Every single one is a shooter... My 7mm RM will be undergoing some mods, if I can find a cheap .308 to buy for deer season, otherwise the 7 is my deer rifle...

Good luck, and enjoy!
Also check out Sightron scopes. There are 2 vendors on this site I will recommend, Brian @ and KevinCram from Montour County Rifles. I recently purchased the SIII 6-24x50mm 30mm tube for my .308 tactical rifle, and I fell in love immediately after looking through it... The new MOA reticle is awesome, adjustment clicks are awesome, and so is the glass. Excellent for a scope under $800 (my Leupold was about $1100 @ the time I bought it), as good or better than my Leupold VX-III (both of these scopes are high power ranges lol, Leupold 6.5-20x, Sightron 6-24x)!

Weaver is another decent scope I'm really impressed with the quality of the glass. Especially check out their new tactical series.
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sorry for the short vacation here. had to go deer and elk hunting. both successful. small cow elk and forked mulie.

getting ready to order all the parts. Is this triger an easy replacement. just remove the old triger assembly and drop this one in
sorry for the short vacation here. had to go deer and elk hunting. both successful. small cow elk and forked mulie.

getting ready to order all the parts. Is this triger an easy replacement. just remove the old triger assembly and drop this one in

Yes, the SSS trigger is an easy drop in but you need to check the adjustments. Just make sure to read the instructions before you get started.
recieved my new SSS triger about a week ago. was a litle disapointed in the quality of the printed instructions. supporting images were not labled and overall print quiality of the document was bad. Seemed the printer was running out of ink as it went from dark to light. Stil could read things but would have been easier to read if it was not so light.

will order the barrel come monday. had to make sure the kids were covered for Xmas or there would be hell to pay with all the gear i have been purchasing. Also piked up a new 14x17 canvas tent with stove for next years hunt, along with new garmin rhino 650 gps, eberlystock, but i digress.

have not droped in the triger yet as i figure i would do everything in once shot. Might have to keep the factory stock for awhile. guess if i do that i will need to bed the whole thing again (if it was bedded from the factory).
Still waiting on parts. I found a 338 edge barrel all ready to go on Savag-barrels all ready to go. think i might just upgrade to that so i can get this project moving again. Can always build another 300 win mag later or sell the barrel.

My base rifle is a 30-06 so would i need to do anything to move it up to a 338 edge. My understanding is the edge is a necked up 30-06? would i still be able to use the factory Mag or will that need to be modified as well.???
I believe the edge is more like 300 RUM necked up to 338 (Could have the wrong parent cartridge there). Way above 30.06. You are talking something in the area of 90gr of powder behind an edge and shooting 250-300gr pills. Don't think you'll get it to run through the mag. At least not and have any powder space left. The savage just doesn't have the room. It'll be single shot most likely. You'll need a new mag box for sure (even if it was going to be a 300wm). Also you'll need a magnum bolt head. I'd plan on a muzzle brake as well. The expense of shooting the edge will be a fair bit above the 300wm. You might be better off getting an order in for a CBI from Jim at Northland Supply. You'll wait 8-12 weeks but it'll be worth it. I can't imagine what that edge barrel would weight. I think they only had them in 30". Got to be 8lbs+.

Little edge history: 338 Edge
yes... i was just doing some reading on 338 edge and savage builds. don't think i will go down that road. The price on the 300wm was $30 under the price of 338 edge that was in stock.

Witht he 300wm i knew i needed a new bolt head.. was not sure about the mag. is that a stock replacement from the 30-06 that it is currently cambered in.
Yep the mag box is a stock part. No need to do any tweaking there. A call to sharp shooter supply will net you all the parts pretty easy. Ever thought about 300WSM. That would run pretty well in a long action. In fact maybe better than 300WM if want to seat bullets out long. Looks like savage-barrels has one in stock as well. The description is a little off though. Part of it says 24" but the small header above the buy button shows 26". Just keep in mind you'll need a standard shank barrel.

Ever considered a savage factory barrel? I found a 25 3/4" standard shank stainless in a magnum contour with pre threaded muzzle for right around $100 shipped. Should be here Tuesday. They can be rough looking inside compared to aftermarket and usually don't clean as easy but I have yet to have much trouble getting them to shoot well.
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