My first build

Okay, 300 WM it is. Only have one of those so guess I won't hurt to balance out the safe. Going to pick up the donor gun today - Savage 111 FCXP3 in 7 MM Mag. Some friends ask why I would spend the money on a 'lesser' gun just to throw away new parts. Why not buy a long range hunter model in the cal I wanted; that it would be the same cost once I get a new barrel and such. Do you really see a difference by changing out the factory barrel?

My response has been better barrel life..improved accuracy... and because I can.... :)
I agree the 300 win or even the wsm is the way to go. Also unless you flat out do not have the capability (geographically) to shoot past 5-600 yards I would go ahead and build it with the mindset that 5-600 is your starting point because as most guys inevitably find out, they keep backing up from the target as time goes on... its human nature to keep pushing the envelope. I built my 338 with the hope to someday kill something at 1000+ with that goal reached I am not looking for a 1500 yard kill.
On my way. Savage 111 has been bought. the 7MM Mag was taken so i went with the 30-06. As was mentioned i can change the bolt head to handle the magnum rounds if i choose to go that way. been going back and forth with keeping it as a 30-06 as i have a about 1k rounds. didn't think i would ever have so much trouble deciding on what caliber to go with. I have so may hunting guns his just might be a target project. going to call and order the 28 in barrel on Monday. didn't realize it would take around a month to get on, but that leaves time to strip the gun. trying to get to the range today to send a few rounds through it before i strip it down to see how everything goes.

Savage 111 in 30-06, bushnell 3x9 scope - $400.


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Glad to see a couple more Colorado Savage guys on here. What barrel did you end up going with? I would encourage you to change out the recoil lug while you have it apart. I just happen to have the tools and gauges for 300wm. Built one of my own a couple years ago and just finished helping a buddy do up one of his own. We might be able to work out something if you need tools.
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:rolleyes::D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:DWell my lady is from the rock so i kinda know that area. There is a good range out east of CR from what i hear that does cowboy shooting. gun):):cool:
If its a good shooter you might not see any difference by changing the barrel. I use good take off barrels that have been changed for no reason at all. ( sometimes they come right back off again)
i was thinking of a 26" brux or kreiger. got a little busy at work the last few days and have not been able to call and order. thinking i might get to that tomorrow. I am back to going with the 300WM so i will also need to change out the bolt head. Not sure what tools will need, rinodods we may need to talk if you have something that will help.

Also looking at the XLR chassis (XLR Industries | pricing) but will wait and see. i have an air gun that doesn't work and will try my hand at a little modification to that before i cut up the original stock.

Optics are the next thing to start thinking about. i have a Nikon with a BDC retical on my 30-06 TC venture that dropped a monster elk at 320 yards last year. We had a stair down for 45 minutes before i took a front shot at him. Just got the mount back and he is on the wall with my Dad's and brother-in-laws. My house was the only one they would fit in. i would like a NightForce but not sure i can get approval to spend that much on just the scope. might have t sell a horse for that one. :cool:
Take a look at the viper PST's. I've been loving mine so far. You get a lot of features and some good glass for the price. You should do well with either of those barrel's. The wait always sucks though. Good luck with the build.
Look into a Zeiss conquest.I bought used off Bought one listed as B condition and it looked brand new to me. Perfect tracking and in my opinion the glass is much better in dim light than a vx-3 I had been using. a 4.5x14x50 with target turrets can be had for like $600.

I lied maybe $700. I paid 650 for mine
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Finally got through to Burx Friday morning. I thought they provided finished replacement barrels, however they only have time for the blanks. Need someone to thread and crown the barrel. Will have to look a little harder or find someone to finish off the barrel.

Spent Friday night and Saturday scouting GMU 4 for deer. This was to be the Mule hunt for my Dad an me as we bagged trophy Idaho elk the year before.
This hunt is going to be hard as I received the dreaded call from my mom "I need you, your father is gone". Anyway this will be a solo hunt, will create another post to see if anyone has idea's as to where to go in that unit, or units 214 – 441.
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