My first build

Sadly it does. The problem with the factory stock is really all the flex you get from just in front of the recoil lug forward. It doesn't take much effort to twist or push the stock up against the barrel. It just doesn't make for a very steady shooting platform. Bedding may help you a little but shooting off a bipod with the factory savage stock isn't a good recipe for repeatable accuracy...most of the time. Look at some of the B&C stocks or even a boyds laminate. With some pillars and bedding the boyds are a good stock. Even the B&C duramax is an upgrade to the factory savage.
I was afraid you were going to say that. With hay prices, taxes, and kids school tuition looming my build funds are getting a little low. I would like to get everything put together and shooting soon. Scope will have to wait till this October when funds become available again.
Until then you could open up the channel a little larger and bed anyway. You'll gain a little. It isn't a hard thing to do and you'll have a little practice in on a cheap stock you won't have to worry about messing up on. You can still shoot well with the factory most of the time. It is just gonna be a little better and more consistent with a good stiff aftermarket. Doesn't funding suck. Just when you think you've got it all together you gotta go digging for just a little more cash. I'm resigned to the idea that I'll never actually finish a rifle. gun)
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