Not entirely true depending upon the care needed. I had dislocated jaw that Medicare first said wasn't covered since they interpreted it to be "dental" then after I paid thru my cheeks to get it resolved, it was then determined it was covered. But at a doctor that was 92 miles away. The "helpless" desk for medicare is staffed third party staffed that frankly is clueless. They cost me a ton of money. Recently I had shoulder surgery and the ice therapy machine should have been covered but was denied. I was able to find the specific code that proved it was covered and I finally got reimbursed 8 months after surgery. No explanation of the refund check just shows up exactly what it cost. My experience with medicare after 2 shoulder surgeries is become fluent in coding which isn't hard to do and double check all the codes and approvals. Even had "fight" with ortho clinic on correct coding and won that as well. You just cannot believe the level of incompetence out there on total medical billing management until you audit the work provided. Don't back down if you believe you have correct coding and ratchet it up the food chain to get resolution.
I was told I "didn't understand" the coding until I explained I retired after 40+ years in EHS and Occupational Health for 100B global company for North America and routinely evaluated workers compensation coding with various plant locations. I was also told I was not allowed to have the Medicare coding manual since they don't have one. WTHELLO!!! I explained the Medicare coding manual is readily available to anyone to download off the Medicare website. The Medicare Helpless desk stated they did not know that. WTHELLO!
So you really need to be totally aware you are dealing with Medicare Helpless desk and medical clinic incompetence on a routine basis and I truly believe everyone needs to be their own auditor of every line item relative to validation of coding and payments. Yes, it takes time but you cannot trust the government or the private sector one iota to get it right first time.
That's my ongoing experience in last 5 years.
The article said overall that it was easier than people using private insurance, It also said overall people on medicare are more satisfied with their insurance. Depending on whether you needed a specialist, its not uncommon to have to travel to see one. With private insurance, your providers need to be in network as well. I live in the country and have to travel 80 miles if I need to see any kind of specialist and I have private insurance. I am not saying medicare is perfect by any means but private insurance ain't all they great either and they would be a whole lot worse if the government didn't regulate them. My first job out of college 30 years ago provided HMO insurance which was really cheap. The reimbursement on those HMO's wasn't a whole lot higher than medicare and much more likely to reject a claim. I think some of them rejected every claim and made people fight to get their claims paid. One weekend I had an accident and needed stitches. My in network doctors office was not open and I did not want to go to the ER. There was a clinic close by so I called my insurance company to verify that they were in network. That said they were so I went. My claim was rejected for out of network. I called the insurance company and they told me their people never would have told me the clinic was in network. In your case they were ignorant, in my case it was intentional. I had a girlfriend that went in for the flu and was rejected for a pre-existing condition. Its because of government regulation that those HMOs don't exist anymore and occurrences like that are far less frequent, I also mentioned earlier my brother being an ER doctor and insurance companies putting them on hold when he is needing preauthorization so that he would perform the procedure at the patient's expense. We have a choice between lazy ignorance and pure evil driven by greed. Which one is better? I would rather have a system that allows private insurance as well as a public option. A public option would drive insurance rates down and more people in this country would be insured. What no one seems to mention is that if everyone can pay their bills then everyone's bills go down because providers don't have to deal with bad debt.
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