it is absolutely untrue that our system has by far the best quality of outcome of any country period. We are probably somewhere around 40th in the world, if that high. Cuba has a longer life expectancy and a lower infant death mortality rate. We do, on the other hand, spend more per capita on healthcare in this country than any other country in the world.
We don't need a universal healthcare system, we need a universal health insurance system. A prime example is medicare. I don't know anyone on medicare that is waiting in any lines or can't get any life saving procedures. All providers accept it and they all get paid. You don't have bean counters determining whether or not its more profitable to let someone die or not. The other great thing is you can't be turned down or over charged for pre-existing health conditions. Old people would be dropping like flies if they didn't have medicare because they are uninsurable and they would be dying penniless. No one is going to insure an 80 yr old with a heart condition.
As for lasik, its the same price it always was. There has always been a cheap option. When I had my lasik done, you could have it done for $300 an eye from someone who bought a used machine and attended a week long training. Sometimes you would see places offering to do it for $100 an eye. These people aren't necessarily eye doctors or had any training in the field. Are you going to trust your vision to them? If you do, you must not value your eyesight. It is a good example of what happens when you have a free market where there is not enough regulation.
As for you example of $1300 bill and they charged you $389, thats the price they charge the insurance, maybe a little more. Most if not all providers will give you a reduced rate if you are uninsured but can pay cash or plop down a credit card. The reason for the enormous cost of most healthcare is because they are trying to get a percentage of it and never expect it to be paid in full. Also, they charge as much as they do to help cover the cost of people who are uninsured and don't have the money. In other words, they probably could have charged you $250 but they need you to help pay for the guy who skipped on his bill.