It’s official.....buck broke the 80” mark!

I think we need a thread on how one takes a good picture of their game animal, because I personally have no idea! Truthfully, I wouldn't know if I took a good one or not.

It doesn't take much, stuff the tongue back in or cut it off and use the hand your holding the head with to push the jaw shut with a couple fingers. I also carry baby wipes for a number of reasons. Take one or two and clean any small areas of blood off.
congrats! I'm chasing that same dream
Incredible buck!! Congrats. DIY? Also what type of mount did you choose for him?
DIY but I went with a buddy from Wyoming. He had pictures of him last year and we happened to find him again on the opener. He was about 4 miles from where he seen him last year.

pedestal mount for him.
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