It’s official.....buck broke the 80” mark!

..,,,I got this one this year, but don't think he will score that well because of the short cutters...still a good buck though.

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A great example of score not being always relevant, Magnificent animal with class. That length is going to show well on the wall. If he was mounted on a wall with BC bucks many would walk past some of them for a closer look at him
A great example of score not being always relevant, Magnificent animal with class. That length is going to show well on the wall. If he was mounted on a wall with BC bucks many would walk past some of them for a closer look at him
Very happy with this buck. He stood out by a lot with the other bucks he was with.
Nice antelope, horrible picture. If you do it again take some time and do a pic that is worthy of a animal like that.
Nice antelope, horrible picture. If you do it again take some time and do a pic that is worthy of a animal like that.

I think we need a thread on how one takes a good picture of their game animal, because I personally have no idea! Truthfully, I wouldn't know if I took a good one or not.
Nice antelope, horrible picture. If you do it again take some time and do a pic that is worthy of a animal like that.
I have plenty of excellent pictures....used one with a different angle. He's at the best taxidermist in Iowa too....will be a competition piece. So, he will have lots of TLC.


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