NM Buck

After hunting Pronghorn for nearly 45 years, I finally was able to connect on the coolest looking buck I've seen. Thanks to my good friends at G3 Outfitters for this awesome hunt! One ELDX from my MPA 6.5 PRC and a RRS tripod and the deal was done.
That's a cool buck!!!!
After hunting Pronghorn for nearly 45 years, I finally was able to connect on the coolest looking buck I've seen. Thanks to my good friends at G3 Outfitters for this awesome hunt! One ELDX from my MPA 6.5 PRC and a RRS tripod and the deal was done.
That's a true trophy buck. You may need to get it measured and certified.
After hunting Pronghorn for nearly 45 years, I finally was able to connect on the coolest looking buck I've seen. Thanks to my good friends at G3 Outfitters for this awesome hunt! One ELDX from my MPA 6.5 PRC and a RRS tripod and the deal was done.
Wow, that is insane. That has to be some kind of record. Nice Job.
After hunting Pronghorn for nearly 45 years, I finally was able to connect on the coolest looking buck I've seen. Thanks to my good friends at G3 Outfitters for this awesome hunt! One ELDX from my MPA 6.5 PRC and a RRS tripod and the deal was done.
Most AMAZING Antelope I've ever seen. Cheers to you & congrats on that beauty.
Does that qualify for Boon & Crockette?? Just massive!
That is one beautiful antelope. Reminds me of two that my father killed in the 60's three years apart west of Seligman, AZ. The second was like yours, with a 22.5" spread between the midhorns. The first was a real variant with 3/8" between the tips. Both beautiful as well.
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