NM Antelope

How far on the 156 and how did it do?
Lot of meat damage?
Shot was 375 yds or so. No meat damage.....my shot was a few inches lower than I wanted in his chest...small entrance hole...exit hole the size of a baseball. He walked about 10 yds and stopped, so I shot him again in the neck and he dropped. I'm sure he would have dropped where he stood, but I didn't wait.
Don't get me wrong, those are AWESOME goats, but official scores usually are lower than a guide score. My last guide was off 5" and he claimed to be "spot on". This is usually the case with guides, unless they used to be an official scorer with B&C.
Don't get me wrong, those are AWESOME goats, but official scores usually are lower than a guide score. My last guide was off 5" and he claimed to be "spot on". This is usually the case with guides, unless they used to be an official scorer with B&C.
I know these weren't B&C record goats, but we (6 of us hunting) had a pot for the biggest goat and the guide scoring had all the money and did all the scoring. He was still bigger than the biggest goat I shot in WY...so I'm happy whatever he scored.
Great pronghorn. I think your goat looks better.
How come you and your SIL look the same age? Do you just look that young, and he has lived a hard life? Or did your daughter marry older? ;)
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