NM Buck

After hunting Pronghorn for nearly 45 years, I finally was able to connect on the coolest looking buck I've seen. Thanks to my good friends at G3 Outfitters for this awesome hunt! One ELDX from my MPA 6.5 PRC and a RRS tripod and the deal was done.
You got 45 years of hunting in just that one Buck. Congrats!!!!!
After hunting Pronghorn for nearly 45 years, I finally was able to connect on the coolest looking buck I've seen. Thanks to my good friends at G3 Outfitters for this awesome hunt! One ELDX from my MPA 6.5 PRC and a RRS tripod and the deal was done.
Very cool wide buck.
After hunting Pronghorn for nearly 45 years, I finally was able to connect on the coolest looking buck I've seen. Thanks to my good friends at G3 Outfitters for this awesome hunt! One ELDX from my MPA 6.5 PRC and a RRS tripod and the deal was done.
WoW I've never seen one like that ever. A Beautiful prize.
Dang Tim!!! That's a stud! I know you've killed some awesome animals, but that goat will rank up there high on your wall.
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