I'll take a look at the light you found. Thanks!
I'm going to have to work on my feeder. The last time I put a timed feeder on my Boss Buck feeder, the friggin squirrels ate through the wires in a few weeks. I'm going to try putting a wide PCV pipe around the pole of my Boss Buck feeder to hopefully keep the darn things off my feeder and away from exposed wires.
If that doesn't work, not sure what I might have to resort to. Razor barb wire? Squirrel traps? Claymores?
Claymore's attached to a proximity detector work real well, but have a tendency to also destroy what you are trying to protect if in front of the Claymore.....
They do make an armored wire so you may want to check into that! In lieu of that, you could consider standard flexible metallic conduit. I did it for my Brothers pool and landscape lights above the Bird feeder and it seems to have worked over the last year or so. Better yet, hook up a 440 V circuit and paint it with thinned Peanut butter. Drives the squirrels nuts and has the added feature of cooking them when they get through the insulation. No additional cooking required! Prior to that. I also hung a dead squirrel by its tail about 2' from the feeder and before I installed the conduit and they didn't come around for months.
Remember to make my 20% finders fee out to Packrat Enterprises......LOL