Well, Mr. Jones, you finally did it. My wife called me into the living room and said to hurry. When I got there this was being played on one of the major networks and I only caught part of it, but will repeat it as close as I can. My wife asked me if this was directed at the guy in Texas that I occasionally talked to that was killing all them poor baby pigs, and what could I say, but yes! Then I took what pictures I could.
First of all this picture appeared:
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Then basically this is what the Announcer said:
From a unidentified Pilot flying between Albuquerque, New Mexico, and Dallas Texas comes this photograph taken somewhere over central Texas showing what was originally believed to be a crop circle. We dispatched a new crew from Dallas to cover what we thought was going to be a Human interest story, but has ended up as a mystery. The picture shown, rather than being crushed down into a hay field like a normal crop circle, appears to have been run back and forth repeatedly in the wheat stubble until the wheat stubble has been crushed into the underlying dirt, leaving the pattern that you see here. Since the original picture was very faint, we enhanced the photo to show what is actually being said.
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When asked about the picture drawn in the dirt the local sherriff stated that he thought it was the work of local High school kids and when further asked about the somewhat strange spelling, his reply was "Just typical of a Texas High School Edumacation". Yes, that's what he said, an edumacation! Further efforts by the news crew on the ground turned up a Mr. Franks that said it was probably directed at a local gentleman known as DJones, The self proclaimed king of the Feral Hog Hunters. Efforts to contact Mr. Jones were futile as no one seemed able to give specific directions on how to locate him, but again, Mr Franks said that he thought djones was off in Oklahoma doing and ad for Depend, Male Incontinence diapers, and gave us a copy of one of djones ad's.
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Further inquiries found that Mr Jones is apparently not only appearing in the Depend ads, but has expanded his advertising line to include other products. When available, we would appreciate being able to talk to this mysterious Mr. Jones about why the Hogs would like to get him!
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Now in further news,.........and that was the end of it.
Well, boy, looks like you got national exposure now so guess you'll probably be off to Hollywood or someplace seeing as how your going to be famous. BTW, could you do me a big favor and sent one of them Depend Sample packs to my brother? Seems like everytime we go hunting, he kind of develops this condition......