Idaho adventure with Shawn comes to an end!!!


Thanks for the kind words. If you read Shawn and my posts much you pretty much know us. You get what you see, nothing hidden with either of us. Pretty simple guys that are doing the same thing everyone else is, still learning!!!

Shawns quite a bit more experienced then I am at LRH and was a huge help on this hunt in strange country that I am not used to shooting in.

Again, I think I can speak for Shawn on this one that we look at ourselves as no more important then anyone else on this board and thats why LRH works so well. We offer the experience we have as with everyone else and we all learn together!!

Thanks for the reply,

Kirby Allen(50)
This was a nice read.

Shawn has recommended I talk to Travis re cat hunt. Travis and I spoke tonight and I could immediately tell he's a top shelf guy. I'm hoping we can make it happen - it sounds like an awesome place.
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