Bill and Lerch's Buffalo Adventure

Re: Bill and Lerch\'s Buffalo Adventure

Great trip guys !

Hope yall get back there asap. Steve, I don't know how you could pass up that doe at 1k plus /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Reckon you might shhot one at that kind of range next trip ? I would mount the thing and put it next to my bucks /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif Distance making the memories sweet .Good shooting Bill, now scoot over , Steve 's gonna show you how its done /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif Get some good pix and God bless your trip.

Jim Brown
Re: Bill and Lerch\'s Buffalo Adventure

It works well, but to be honest I will not own another one. The Holland QD works just as well and is much more streamlined and does not get in the way as the JP does.
Re: Bill and Lerch\'s Buffalo Adventure

Wow, I am impressed that the Holland works as well with a
much better profile.
Nice Buck & a good shot! That exit wound reminds me of that
old song, "Hurts So Good".
Re: Bill and Lerch\'s Buffalo Adventure

Good job Bill. Nice deer. Sorry the bullet failed and the moment had to be over so quickly.

BTW the picture of the gun with the deer simply rocks. That is a cool looking gun.
Re: Bill and Lerch\'s Buffalo Adventure

That is a cool looking gun.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks 4ked, but I wasn't thinking that after lugging that heavy sucker about 1/2 mile across that wheatfield!!!!!

I should get my 270 AM back this week. I think it will make this gun look like an ugly duckling!!!
Re: Bill and Lerch\'s Buffalo Adventure

Just to keep people updated me and Bj went out this morning and braved the 20mph 9 degree wind chill and tried to get me a trophy buck.

After spotting something odd in the grass at 150yds I thought I might have seen a buck. About 10min later a doe trotted across the grass field about 500yds out from us.

I could tell by the way she was running that a buck was hot on her butt so I scanned behind her only to see the largest buck I have ever seen hot on her trail.

I quickly got into position with the 270AM and BJ fed me a range of 515. I dialed him in and prayed for the buck to stop. He neared our property line and slowed down a little bit just before the fence.

I realized I still had the gun on safety and when I set the gun to fire he was jumping the fence. Probably good I didnt shoot anyway

The buck was a 10 or 12 pointer well over 20" wide with over 12" G-2's.

The whole spectacle was enough to make me cry but we still a couple of days left of season so maybe he will come back out.

Still ****es me off though /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

On our way out we saw a group of Coyotes at 200yds and I let the 270AM bark at one. The dog simply melted to the shot and the exit wound looks like you threw a football through him.

As fun as that was I would have much rather done the same to a buck

Well at least now the 270AM has some blood on it.

take it easy
Re: Bill and Lerch\'s Buffalo Adventure

keep after him Lerch, I think you'll get him.. Its not over till its over!
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