Bill and Lerchs Wyoming Debacle!!!!!

I didnt show that much restraint with they guys, they were on ATV's and i just cant run fast enough to catch up to them!!!!!!! Best i can figure God put a certain number of stupid people on earth just to make stuff a little more interesting
Glad you fellows got to get out and stretch your legs. Tim and I both know exactly what you mean about us flatlanders up in the altitude. I am glad that you at least got something, instead of something getting you. I have had that hiss, crack, boom, before myself it really sucks.

Don't be so hard on yourself there BJ, at some point I think we have all been there done that. I know I have. You got out and did something that you wanted to do, and somewhere between the bullets flying past and forgetting your maps I will wager there was some fun had along the line. Least of which was a hunting expedition into the wilderness with a good friend.
Little update on gettin shot at!!!!

Well after a month or more of debate between me or BJ about if these guys in Wy were shootin at us or not we decided to do a little test. Now we have set down range behind berms and had guys shoot over us so we could hear the sonic crack around 30yds above our heads so we both agreed the shots were closer than that. we went to the range in Alex OK and there is a 100 and 150yd berm. Now these two berms are around 5-10 yds apart horizontally so we figured this would be a good test. I sat on the far left side of the 100yd berm as close as i could be safely to the bullet flying by to the 150 berm. BJ was at the bench with his 308 and i sat waiting. I gave the sign and a couple seconds later i heard a SLIGHT whzz fly by. 3 shots later i was more than convinced and a little pale in the face. Now BJ has always thought these tards in WY were honestly shooting a deer and it was just close to us, this solved it. The sound we both heard was a amazing WHHHZZZZZZZZ right past us, now i didnt hear anything close to this with a 30 cal bullet flying within 8-5 feet from me in calm conditions!!!!!

OVERALL POINT OF ALL THIS: I was wearing a mottled tan and brown jacket, we were walking directly into the setting sun. These idiots on atv's spooked 2 deer and chased them through the draw, they rounded a bend and lost sight of the deer. they saw something moving over a ridge and figured Hey thats a 6ft muley!!! BOOM,BOOM,BOOM, and one ****ed of okie!!!!!! Yea as far as im concerned those guys thought we were deer and had full intent to have a Lerch shoulder mount around 6 months later. hopefully he would had positioned me to catch my good side if i have one!!!

take it easy
Were the guys shooting at you from Wyoming? Seems when I go out hunting anymore, I see more out of staters than I do residents. And they are usually the ones running around on 4 wheelers and being pains in the ***. I'm not trying to start anything, just frustrated with seeing guys on 4 wheelers ripping all over the countryside, then when I get over by them, they complain that they aren't seeing any game and they say Wyoming is worthless and doesn't have any game. I encourage them not to come back. Lerch, I assure you that not all of Wyoming is like what you experienced. From a Wyomingite, I'd like to apologize for your bad experience. Hopefully you"ll give it another chance. Just go to a different area.
Glad you guys got a buck. Sorry you had to put up with the idiots. It takes some research and time but good areas with less pressure can be found. Looks like the Edge did the trick!
Well it seems obvious that these guys did think you were deer Steve, as you said. The fact that you WERE wearing blaze orange, and they still choose to shoot at you, just confirms the fact that they are blithering idiots. People like this are the reason the gene pool is shallow and in need of a large dose of chlorine.
Thank God they were lousy shots, in addition to being idiots.

Pity you didn't drop a round through the engine of that moron's quad...
To all,

Just a short comment and a suggestion. Blaze orange can get swallowed up in less than ideal conditions and I know these guys are idiots and frankly, I would have immediately returned fire over their heads. You cannot wait for "fools" to get the message without a "return" sonic and hope they spot orange. I can guarantee that if I am shot at, I consider it a hostile act and will engage.

I have pulled target frames in the old WWII pits for service rifle matches and the bullets do fly over your head at about 5-8 feet and the sound is unmistakable even with ear protection.

Suggestion: Bring some type of collapsable orange surveyor flag or something similar (sorta like a divers flag) to place over your position when setting up and also mount it (or something similar) on your pack frame for when hiking around the sage brush flats. It may not seem like much but blowing around in the wind, it may just give you a little extra "visibility"

Whats even worse is i bet i didn't affect them in the least, they will be out there next year shooting at some honest hunters. Its hard to imagine what I would have done in that situation, I do belief untill someone fires back they won't ever stop. I usually carry my pistol with me hunting and I would have probabaly fire a couple shots in the ground. You can tell bill and lerch must be some good guys to show some restraint in that situation.
I wouldnt say i showed that much restraint, on my feet i just cant catch a quad!! i had on a blaze orange hat and i am sure the color was washed out by looking at me walking into the setting sun. Still though i have never seen a 6'4" mule deer!!!!
Everyone i met in Wy was extremely nice and courteous, and it is a beautiful state to boot!! I will definantly be back hunting in the near future, i am figuring speed goat as soon as i get enough points for the unit i want. No need for anyone to apologize for those two idiots no matter what state they are from
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