Idaho adventure with Shawn comes to an end!!!

Nice Buck and great story /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gifNow shouldn't you be working on somthing like my rifle. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif
That is a nice Buck!! Hey Shawn is Kirby that long winded when he is hunting too LOL.He tells a great story!
Not lookin to start anything just asking your opinion about shooting an area you are not familair with.Kirby do you think a spotter shot would have helped on the first two bucks?
Nice Work Kirby sounds like an awsome experience and well worth the wait for the Quality of animal you ended up with.

This is the great thing about the long rabge hunters and gunsmiths they are willing to share information and respect each others abilities and see them as assets not competition their will always be people with diferent ideas but if every one shares info and help each other out we will all benifite.

Cheers Bill

No offense taken at all, I just realized that in my original post that it kind of sounded like I was ready to throw the rifle over the rim!!! That was not the case, just unhappy with my performance in a couple instances and did not want to let Shawn and Travis's hard work be for not!!

No worries here myfriend!!

Kirby Allen(50)

I was all over your rifle project today, hopefully by the end of the weekend there will be pics of a great looking/Shooting, medium weight 338 Allen Mag for you to look at!!

I hear ya though, play time over, back to work!!!

Kirby Allen(50)
Mach V,

Not sure what Shawn will say about your question about if I am long winded, I suspect you would be suprised if we met in person compared to my long posts here on LRH!! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

In person I am a man of much fewer words!!!

I do not believe in spotter shots to be honest, at least not while a game animal is in the area. The reason if because if you read the conditions correct there is no need, if you can not read them you will get fooled more often then not anyway. Just like that buck at 750 yards, we could not read the conditions for what they actually were but that was not because we were not paying attention to the conditions because that simply was not the case.

We simply got fooled by the winds up the canyon. We made every effort to get as accurate readings on the conditions as possible and took as quality shot as we could. Had we known that the conditions would result in that kind of variable bullet flight, there would not have been a shot taken.

With the buck we did harvest, this was a straight across a canyon shot, much easier to read the winds and conditions and as a result the first shot was a lethal shot. The rest were just to make me feel better after a long week to make sure this buck did not get away or even travel far.

No offense taken, and its a good question. I had two guys that had grown up in this area, I had total faith in their ability to get me good data and they never let me down. Even at that 750 yard buck it was not humanly possible to predict the conditions we ran into so that is noones fault in any way.

You do your work before the hunt, you gain confidence in your load, rifle and drop chart and that is really all you can do. If you do not think you can make the shot you should not take the shot, Never once did that thought cross my mind and if the situations arose again I would probably feel the same way but with a bit more knowledge to base on now.

Good question!!

Kirby Allen(50)
Wild Bill,

I have never looked at Shawn as competition to be honest. Even before I got to know him I realized he was a huge source of valuable information and experience. We are just fortunate that he is willing to share this experience and that is one reason I offer all the information I have as well.

We are all in the same game here and we are trying to get better as we go, as you know, it helps to have alot of like minded shooters to work together to advance our sport. Again, I see Shawn as a friend and valuable source of information, not competition in any way.

He builds great rifles, I know because I have shot them. I build a pretty good rifle and I think he would agree with that, we both love to hunt, nuff said!!

Thats what makes LRH so great in my opinion, willingness to offer any information we all have to each other in any way.

Kirby Allen(50)
Hi Kirby i know we all like working togethor and that is where i was coming from and you aswell great job and i am so glad we all can help each other out. I was also trying to make others see how well custom gunsmiths can work together.

I see it all the time here one gunsmith slags off another and so on in the end they are all bad mouthing each other all i do is say i would recomend them or not and not go into to many details if they want someone elso to do work for them at least they should have someone that does a good job. I believe if you help people out they will remember it and know you are a honest person and they will recomend you to others down the track if they need work done.

Cheers Bill
Good answer.I asked because I tend to be a second shot hit type of longrange shooter.I guess on the first round to determine yardage and windage.Useing the MP-8 reticle I then send the second round with the adgustment made.
It works OK for a beginner but I'm working on getting that first shot as close as possible useing a log book and drop charts.Most of all I suffer from too many rounds to keep track of,I'd be better off with one gun and load aint easy being a redneck /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif
If you and shawn dont mind me asking, what area where you hunting? was it around orofino and if so what general area?
A friend of mine has one of you're rifles that I got to see. nice looking rifle. Glad you had a great time. Keep coming back to hunt idaho.
Congrats on your long range hunt! All I have to say is wow!
Awesome country,awesome shooting and awesome craftmanship.

850 yds. is a shot to be proud of and it sounds like those Allen mags are pretty impressive.

All respect here,
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