2007 whitetail season comes to an end....

Nice buck Kirby, that buck reminds me of the eight point that I got a couple years back. Missouri deer season has been windy and now warm. Got rain showers right now so it might turn around. I have turned down shots at does every day. Did bust a coyote with my stw, any way congrats and nice buck. Hope to have some pictures of my own here soon with my season. Oldfamily.

Dad didn't have time to get out for elk and I spent most of my time running video. Dad's first time out this yearwill be this weekend. I'll let you know how it goes.
As I was driving in today, I thought about the "little green gun" and wondered how it was doing. Glad to see it is still alive and well.
Nice buck, now you need to save next years deer tag to get a big Muley. I'm leaving for 5 days tomorrow to get one. You better come see my country, 2 338 AM's up there will be fun.

Great story and buck!
Next fall I will be hunting in Nebraska for hopefully a big whitetail. As you know I am kind of a whitetail nut. That would leave my Montana tag open for a big mule deer!!!

We may have to plan it for next fall!!!

For some reason the pics are not coming up on my original post. I will post them again.




Kirby Allen(50)
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