ID Trgger For Me

Received my new, in the display package trigger and new anti roll pins.

Also got a sticker and drink koozie...

I know not a real...."oooh, wow!" Type gift. But it didn't cost me a penny for a brand new one, so I'm happy!
I'm glad to hear they took care of it, less glad it broke since I have one of those. Could it have been broken from installing the selector?

I have tried plenty of triggers and Triggertech is next on my list but I'm not sure I have any more AR builds to do...

A friend of mine has a Giselle and it's ok, maybe a hair better than my Larue MBT but 2-3x the cost.

I'm not a bandwagon guy, I bought my first CMC drop-in when they were new. I just think there is a pretty good step up from an LPK trigger to a drop-in but from a good $100 drop-in to a $300 drop-in there isn't much difference.

I only want to try the Triggertech because I like the Diamond I got for my bolt action.
I'm glad to hear they took care of it, less glad it broke since I have one of those. Could it have been broken from installing the selector?

I have tried plenty of triggers and Triggertech is next on my list but I'm not sure I have any more AR builds to do...

A friend of mine has a Giselle and it's ok, maybe a hair better than my Larue MBT but 2-3x the cost.

I'm not a bandwagon guy, I bought my first CMC drop-in when they were new. I just think there is a pretty good step up from an LPK trigger to a drop-in but from a good $100 drop-in to a $300 drop-in there isn't much difference.

I only want to try the Triggertech because I like the Diamond I got for my bolt action.
Want to try a decent trigger for the price, try an ALG. ALG is a mill spec trigger that is finished like the high dollar Giselle triggers - it's run by his wife. I have both and I am very happy with them.
Want to try a decent trigger for the price, try an ALG. ALG is a mill spec trigger that is finished like the high dollar Giselle triggers - it's run by his wife. I have both and I am very happy with them.
Im not a fan of the alg either--best ar trigger i have shot is the elf match with the sealed needle bearings
One of the triggers I have but haven't used much yet is an Elftman and it does seem very nice. I bought it used and am not sure if mine has the bearings (I think it does).

New it costs around twice as much as an MBT or Rise RA140. Is it worth twice as much? I'm not sure. I just know that the difference isn't enough to increase my accuracy by a noticeable amount, it's just a bit lighter and the break is a bit cleaner, the reset is probably better which might help with 3 gun type stuff but for me the practical difference is minor.

I chose to put good triggers in ALL my ARs instead of really expensive triggers in a few. I have a really expensive trigger in one, an SR Gold and that is what convinced me that the value is in the $100 trigger range.
One of the triggers I like the best for a adjustable trigger. If your on a budget....then you'll really like.


I have 2 of these, one shooting buddy has one and buddy has 4...none have ever gave us a problem.

I was able to adjust both of mine to just under two pounds. The shoot buddy, we got his to hair over two pounds.
Could it have been broken from installing the selector?
During the install, I found that the selector would not clear the trigger if I did not have the hammer cocked back. So if the original was just like this one, it's possible I broke the original trigger when I had the gun apart. Its possible I released the hammer when it was separated (upper from the lower) and set the safety...then pulled the bolt back with the charge handle.

When I was doing the install this afternoon I worked the selector several times to make sure it was smooth and the hammer was released. I was trying to cock the hammer while the safety was on and I was feeling a lot of resistance on the hammer so I stopped trying to cock it see what was going on.

Found that the safety had to be off for it cock smoothly.

I have been building AR's for over 10 years, just recently (last 9 months) replaced all the mil spec trigger with chassis'd triggers. SO I'm not sure if they are all like that or not.
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