Now that's great news right there!Side bar.....Trump was just acquitted on his second shame impeachment trial.
One thing is for sure. They got a sweet deal. The US Government blessing and funding the widespread distribution of this shot guarantees the manufacturers the largest pool of test subjects for any medical cocktail ever released. So they avoid the normally much more complicated process and costly way of running a drug through medical test trials. Avoided that cost and straight to the profit stage - the end game.One concern that we should all have is the fact that these pharmaceutical companies have all been granted immunity from lawsuits resulting from side effects caused by their vaccines. HUH? Oh, ok then, sign me up right away then, LOL.
Yep. Just because one is smart, has a high IQ or an advanced degree is no assurance that they will make wise or correct choices. For me the choice is simple, a higher risk of bad effects from the virus than from the vaccine. Ya pays yer money and ya takes yer chances.Honestly, not all, but a number of the PhDs I've worked with, operated at a higher level in the atmosphere. Different. One had a mental breakdown in her 40s and could never again return to work. Surely can't able them as a whole. Some are well balanced and simply smarter at birth. Or came from wealth and studied hard and followed their priorities.
No matter that having been my observation, personal choice has nothing to do with the level of education. Insinuating we should play leapfrog behind those with a PhD after their name is maybe your way thru life. Just because someone allocated 8-12yrs of their life to University schooling doesn't mean I can agree with their belief system, or that they are without moments of poor choice and judgement. If anything, it tells me their priority system a bit different than the "average" human.
Just chuckling at the thought that Steve Jobs and Bill Gates both dropped out of college. Were they smarter than those that finished their PhDs? Answer in part, goes back to individual choice. Because it depends on one's priorities in life. Money, or the PhD. I respect both choices, but have my own priority system. 5yrs of college was all I could put up with.
Just got a Valentine's card from a friend. She finished High School at 15, Rice University at 18, and was doing graduate work at Columbia when she decided to go to medical school. She missed getting a perfect score on her US Medical Licensing Exam by 2 points, something I've never even heard of. She is a career M.D. epidemiologist, and has studied disease outbreaks for 40 years as a private contractor to state, federal, and tribal health departments. In other words, she does this for a living. Her husband is also an PhD epidemiologist and his specialty is...vaccines. And they HATE Big Pharma.
They both just received their 2nd doses. If you think you're smarter than her, you're wrong.
One thing is for sure. They got a sweet deal. The US Government blessing and funding the widespread distribution of this shot guarantees the manufacturers the largest pool of test subjects for any medical cocktail ever released. So they avoid the normally much more complicated process and costly way of running a drug through medical test trials. Avoided that cost and straight to the profit stage - the end game.
Now my conspiracy theory brain button has been pushed. Could it be that the so called covid19 vaccine is really designed to counteract the the effects previous vaccines have done to peoples immune system ? If that extremely knowledgable lady on the vid is aware of the reactions past vaccines are having on people who contract covid19 , it makes sense that the drug manufacturers are well aware too. Are they trying to fix or cover up past mistakes ? Or even by design ? Food for thought .........Looks likely that the serious victims of covid19 might just be the people that get a flu shot every year . I don't do flu vaccines for the record.
After reading this thread, it looks like that is exactly how it's playing out....Maybe the vaccination pecking order should be by IQ?
CNN fan ?After reading this thread, it looks like that is exactly how it's playing out....