I will not be getting 'the vaccine'...

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One question sir, you posted
"That said, my current risk of hospitalization and death from COVID 19 is 0% and I almost assuredly can't contract it or transmit it."
If this statement is true, and you believe it is, why does the government and the private entity known as the CDC, which most people believe is a government agency, which it is not, still recommend social distancing and face diapers after you have taken the vaccine, at this point in time, indefinitely. I am not here to argue, just to learn. You evidently are privy to information that the rest of us are not. Post your source please.
Read the J&J ensemble trial and then look at the data coming out of Israel. I also believe it based on my own personal knowledge of immunology, how vaccines work, and the efficacy of prior vaccines. You should also read my previous posts where I address both of the questions related masks and social distancing. Neither of them work. While COVID-19 has been politicized to the absolute maximum, COVID-19 isn't completely a political problem. Don't confuse the two. Addressing potential problems with COVID-19 via a vaccine is independent of addressing issues with the government dictating what you wear and how close you can be to people. The latter is about control of people. The former is about giving people the choice to potentially reduce the impact something has in their life. Whether the government chooses to politicize/weaponize that is up to the government. Right now you're free to do whatever you want in that regard. Whether you believe it or not, these vaccines would have been produced in the same way to address the same thing even if COVID 19 hadn't been politicized. Just look at the influenza vaccine.
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I will take common sense and good instincts over book smarts any day . Especially in an outlying situation like we are in now. The world is full of extremely intelligent people that cant figure out how to check the oil in their car, lol.
Then maybe do your own open heart surgery, or your wife's C section. Or set your kid's broken arm. Not for me; I'll rely on experts in the field I need. I won't call a doctor to fix my air conditioner, nor a gunsmith for medical advice. YMMV.
Just got a Valentine's card from a friend. She finished High School at 15, Rice University at 18, and was doing graduate work at Columbia when she decided to go to medical school. She missed getting a perfect score on her US Medical Licensing Exam by 2 points, something I've never even heard of. She is a career M.D. epidemiologist, and has studied disease outbreaks for 40 years as a private contractor to state, federal, and tribal health departments. In other words, she does this for a living. Her husband is also an PhD epidemiologist and his specialty is...vaccines. And they HATE Big Pharma.

They both just received their 2nd doses. If you think you're smarter than her, you're wrong. ;)
Sounds like she is very "Book Smart" congratulations to her on a stellar career. Definitely smarter than me.
As an aside, since I was apparently an early adopter, I'll let you all know if my body starts killing itself as a result of the mRNA vaccine I received.
Maybe the vaccination pecking order should be by IQ?
Honestly, not all, but a number of the PhDs I've worked with, operated at a higher level in the atmosphere. Different. One had a mental breakdown in her 40s and could never again return to work. Surely can't label them as a whole. Some are well balanced and simply smarter at birth. Or came from wealth and studied hard and followed their priorities.

No matter that having been my observation, personal choice has nothing to do with the level of education. Insinuating we should play leapfrog behind those with a PhD after their name is maybe your way thru life. Just because someone allocated 8-12yrs of their life to University schooling doesn't mean I can agree with their belief system, or that they are without moments of poor choice and judgement. If anything, it tells me their priority system a bit different than the "average" human.

Just chuckling at the thought that Steve Jobs and Bill Gates both dropped out of college. Were they smarter than those that finished their PhDs? Answer in part, goes back to individual choice. Because it depends on one's priorities in life. Money, or the PhD. I respect both choices, but have my own priority system. 5yrs of college was all I could put up with.
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They knew about it because it was a biological virus developed in a laboratory, on purpose.
Bill Gates brags about it. There are videos that were on YouTube that are no longer available, taken down. Things that make you ask questions.
Oh, surely you jest. YouTube taking down things that make you ask questions. That would be like Twitter taking the President of the U.S. off its platform. And stop calling me Shirley!
Just got a Valentine's card from a friend. She finished High School at 15, Rice University at 18, and was doing graduate work at Columbia when she decided to go to medical school. She missed getting a perfect score on her US Medical Licensing Exam by 2 points, something I've never even heard of. She is a career M.D. epidemiologist, and has studied disease outbreaks for 40 years as a private contractor to state, federal, and tribal health departments. In other words, she does this for a living. Her husband is also an PhD epidemiologist and his specialty is...vaccines. And they HATE Big Pharma.

They both just received their 2nd doses. If you think you're smarter than her, you're wrong. ;)
There are plenty of PhD licensed medical docters advising against the juice at the time.

Does that mean they're less intelligent?
As an aside, since I was apparently an early adopter, I'll let you all know if my body starts killing itself as a result of the mRNA vaccine I received.
Lately, I have been watching re-runs of old science-fiction movies and I have come to the conclusion that every one of you people that take or have taken the "juice" are going to turn into terrifying monsters, and the world as we know it will be forever gone. The only cure is the smell of gunpowder in the morning!
I will take common sense and good instincts over book smarts any day . Especially in an outlying situation like we are in now. The world is full of extremely intelligent people that cant figure out how to check the oil in their car, lol.
Or do they even know what the 710 cap is for?


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If they scored lower on their tests apparently so.
Did they? Could you provide those test scores? Since that's the entire basis for your conclusion. Really, don't bother with what would be another silly post.

I think some very smart doctors are simply more cautious. Some with more years of on-the-job experience. Seen the damage done by some vaccines in the past, which were researched and developed by smart PhDs? Not willing to risk it themselves, or more importantly, on behalf of their patients. They want the test data that will only be available through the current test subjects. Then they'll decide for or against.

I prefer those smarts.
Then maybe do your own open heart surgery, or your wife's C section. Or set your kid's broken arm. Not for me; I'll rely on experts in the field I need. I won't call a doctor to fix my air conditioner, nor a gunsmith for medical advice. YMMV.
I dont ask a Dr to help me understand the intricacies of a political take over via a misdiagnosed and over exaggerated man made virus . A Dr that let that untested junk in their body will likely believe the government is on the up and up . If they miss what's happening in the world right now, their opinion doesn't do much for me.
On a milder note, ive known many Doctors and all are smart in their field , well, most anyway . The majority do live in their own little world though . Maybe they spend more time wondering if they can do something and not enough time wondering if they should do it.
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