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I will not be getting 'the vaccine'...

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I'm 70 years old,my so is 43 in a personal trainer probably in better shape than most of us got Covid in November lasted 2 weeks still can't smell and said it was horrible and really doesn't want it again. Also my nephew and two good friends agree don't want it again. With modern technology and medicine research things can happen a lot faster that in 1918 and during the polio age.
The long term affects are still unknown. They are finding people who were asymptomatic that have lung damage and heart damage. At some people, having covid 19 will be considered a pre-existing condition.
the way it was described to my the vaccine is to lessen the severity of symptoms and keep people off ventilators not a cure all that will magically make it go away. there are many reports of people getting the shots and still getting covin weeks or months later. believing the vaccine is the answer is just as bad as believing masks mean anything. it is more personal hygene and lifestyle that will determine your chances of getting covid.

I remember last year the CDC telling the people a mask was useless in the wildfires because the smoke had to many toxins in it that the mask wont stop and to keep windows and doors shut or leave town till it cleared. it was even on there website.
I wear my mask to prevent me spreading it to others. I wear it because I want to, not because I'm told to. As above, it is a simple pain free measure I can take to help keep the hospitals from overflowing. If it turns out to only be marginally effective, no big deal. It didn't cost me much time it money to throw one on. There no need to drag politics into this, it's humanity vs the virus as far as I'm concerned.
The fact that people still bring up the fact that the mask won't protect you speaks volumes as to why we are so much worse off than the rest of the world. We have become such a me, myself, and I culture in this country that people become confused at that very thought of protecting themselves by protecting others. It's incomprehensible. It almost seems like communism.
The fact that people still bring up the fact that the mask won't protect you speaks volumes as to why we are so much worse off than the rest of the world. We have become such a me, myself, and I culture in this country that people become confused at that very thought of protecting themselves by protecting others. It's incomprehensible. It almost seems like communism.
It won't protect you directly. It will trap considerable (not all) water vapor from exhales of the person that is wearing it thereby decreasing (not eliminating) the chances to spread. if I am in a room full of people with no masks and I am wearing one, only they are getting the potential benefits.

No vaccine is fool proof. Ask my elderly crippled aunt who caught polio despite having been inoculated.

I'd prefer a jumpstart to reduce viral loading which in turns reduces my chance to spread it (should I contract it) and the effects of the illness.

Note that in Italy, strict social distancing, lock down period and (yep) masks were the key factor in getting to zero cases. Move away from that with out herd immunity (it was brought back inside when borders opened up) and we are right back there today but 5 times as bad.
This is not a "vaccine" it is an experimental gene therapy. Look at Dr. Mercola's work.

We can lawyer this until the cows come home and say it doesn't meet the definition for a vaccine and throw around scary terms like "experimental gene therapy". At the end of the day it is an inoculation which provides your body with information to formulate an immune response.
No cure, but we can get the flu shot for the expected strains for that year, the equivalent of putting a seatbelt on, just in case. This vaccine is no different. I get a cold sore on my lip every year or two, so trust that I understand viruses can't currently be cured, but I also haven't spread it to anyone else. We can stop the spread of covid too.
Pretty sure you're speaking too broadly, and exceeding the facts as I understand them. When I was in elementary school, it was still common to see kids with polio on the playground. How many kids do we see with polio in the USA today? Polio and smallpox vaccination was required in those days or you simply didn't attend school. I received those vaccinations as a kid. The science behind those type of vaccines is very well understood. They involve dead or weakened variants of the actual virus, and prompt our immune system to develop its own immunilogical response.

Some viruses can currently be cured with widespread innoculation with a vaccine. The problem with this mRNA jungle juice injection is it isn't anything at all similar to one of the vaccines that largely eliminated polio and smallpox. It has no potential to prevent infection, and no potential to prevent transmission. This coming directly from the companies that manufactured the juice. This is an experiment on humans, because the juice wasn't tested on lab animals before it was cleared for injection in homo sapiens.

Anyhow, I believe some "vaccines", by definition, do have the potential to purge planet earth of some viruses. Just depends on the specific virus.

This china virus juice has no such potential. The methodology is completely different than a vaccine. Which is why I opted out. I figure in about 5yrs, we'll begin to get some idea of the negative consequences, should there be any.
"In human trials, the Pfizer vaccine was compared to a placebo in 43,448 people. During the study, 170 participants developed COVID-19. When the study blind was broken, it was revealed that 162 of these people had received the placebo. Only eight were in the vaccine group. Of 10 severe COVID-19 cases, nine were in the placebo group; one had received the vaccine. The Moderna vaccine is similarly effective. In 28,207 participants, there were 185 cases of COVID-19 in the placebo group and 11 cases in the vaccine group. Of 30 severe cases, all were in the placebo group. These figures show an effectiveness of over 90%"

So, they are basing effectiveness of the Jungle juice off 18 people that tested positive out of 71,655.

Source- https://www.pcrm.org/news/good-scie...cines-how-safe-are-they-should-i-take-vaccine
Never said I doubted the initial effectiveness in the juice. But I do doubt anyone, including the sources you confidently cite, know much about adverse long-term health consequences. Hence, jungle juice with no track record of any duration, and never before injected into humans on this scale.
Jungle juice it is...
I'm right with you on the toilet seat licking! I'd argue the vaccine offers inoculation without the same risks as being infected. Inoculation through the vaccine can lead to herd immunity in a safer way. We still don't understand the long term effects of either, but in the short term the vaccine hasn't produced the same severe symptoms normal exposure can. With that there is a benefit for many.

On that note, we still don't understand what causes the greatly varied symptoms and immune responses we have seen. For me, this is a cause for concern. For herd immunity to work everyone still has a job to do in building an immune response. For me, the safest way is through vaccination. Just need to hole up for a few more months.
Another Casual:
I have been reading most of your comments on this subject. I have read most of ButterBean's comments as well as most other people's comments. Your choice, for now, is your choice. However, you must be aware of the FACT that you do not have all the facts for either side of this argument. Social media and national and local news media are not presenting all sides of this situation. Try to find anything negative about the reactions to the vaccine. You likely will not and cannot find anyone discussing negative reactions to the vaccine. And there HAS to be negative reactions. You can't give over 20 million-plus vaccinations without having bad reactions, but you will not hear about those bad reactions. The simple truth is that the only truth out there has been hidden from almost all of you. You are all being lied to.
Never said I doubted the initial effectiveness in the juice. But I do doubt anyone, including the sources you confidently cite, know much about adverse long-term health consequences. Hence, jungle juice with no track record of any duration, and never before injected into humans on this scale.
Jungle juice it is...
I don't think the drug companies know the effectiveness based off those numbers. You never will know because some people that test positive never get sick. The only thing they do know is that they are getting rich off the taxpayers by making jungle juice!!
The fact that people still bring up the fact that the mask won't protect you speaks volumes as to why we are so much worse off than the rest of the world. We have become such a me, myself, and I culture in this country that people become confused at that very thought of protecting themselves by protecting others. It's incomprehensible. It almost seems like communism.
Jim: I'm an Environmental Scientist. Have you read the Danish Mask Study? I have read the original study in its entirety. It is hard to find now, unless you subscribe to scientific journals. Here's an article from the Federalist about the Danish Study. But if you read the actual study of over 6,000 participants using real surgical new daily clean masks and the control group of "no masks"--you will be shocked at the outcome of the only study that tests real people with really good surgical (3-ply) masks and a control group of real people of no masks. At the end of the study they test them all for Covid19. Statistically speaking, the difference between the two groups is insignificant. This is real science with real people in real conditions with real high-quality masks and real covid testing.
Its hard to take the video seriously when the first expert is a psychiatrist as well as all the others that are denying it being a pandemic. Its not a pandemic for many countries because those countries dealt with it rather than denied its existence. How is a psychiatrist an expert in this field? Why should I listen to a psychiatrist on this topic? Why should I listen to a retired nurse or even just an MD with no specialty from Belgium much less a journalist. These types of nonsense videos pop up all the time. They should be banned on facebook and you tube. They provide absolutely no evidence whatsoever and yet people take them to be the word of God. People are going to avoid the vaccine because of some nonsense video thrown together by a qanon wannabe and we are going to have to deal with this for the rest of our lives as a result of anti vaxxers and anti maskers. My brother is an ER doctor and the majority of his patients have covid 19. He has to ship patients out of state on a regular basis because there are no beds available in his state. To be clear, not all of his patients come in for covid 19. Many come in for things like a broken leg and they get tested and they have it. I missed Christmas and Thanksgiving this year because he was afraid he would accidentally transmit it to us. Thankfully, he got the vaccine and I will get to see him for the first time in months. I am going to get the vaccine the moment its available to me. Trying to achieve natural herd immunity means hundreds of thousands of more lives lost and the immunity is only temporary so it may not even be possible even if we kill off all the old people and the ones immune system issues.
So who is the expert since you claim a doctor speaking from a professional perspective is nonsense? Do you have a PhD in immunology? Maybe in virology? What makes your opinion valid over theirs? At least some of them are medical doctors. Exactly who is the "know all" that can enlighten us all? You may not like the people in the video but they are giving their opinions on the facts. What exactly did they say that was not true? I have a feeling you would find a way to discount anyone against the vaccine.

What Covid really did was divide people and the politicians are grateful for that, division is what keeps them in office. This was not a pandemic, 99% of the people I know who got it survived as did I. The actual overall death rate from covid is extremely low. My dad and aunt did not but that does not change anything, it is still an overblown crisis that ruined millions of lives due to overreaction. There is no convincing anyone, this has divided America and there is no reconciliation. Our country has begun it's demise and it will only get worse from here.
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