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I will not be getting 'the vaccine'...

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No cure, but we can get the flu shot for the expected strains for that year, the equivalent of putting a seatbelt on, just in case. This vaccine is no different. I get a cold sore on my lip every year or two, so trust that I understand viruses can't currently be cured, but I also haven't spread it to anyone else. We can stop the spread of covid too.

I don't normally wear gloves other than when changing oil or doing an inspection for work inside someone's house. I'm not touching my face and I have hand sanitizer I use immediately upon returning to my car after doing any of the things you listed. Why not? A $5 bottle lasts a few months and it reduces my risk when I have to go out. Along those lines, I'm not going out in public unless necessary (food and work) and I haven't been to any kind of social gathering since this started. When I do have to go out I wear a mask, keep my distance from others in the grocery store and use hand sanitizer when returning to my car. I shop late in the evening when the store is quiet and only go every other week. It is only mildly inconvenient to do so. If that's what I have to do to fight this, it's not much to ask.

Even with work, I'm able to do most of my inspections virtually right now, reducing the risk of me getting or giving the virus to anyone. No downside there either.

I'm confident we could beat it if we took it seriously. The vaccine is one piece of the puzzle, but until it is widespread it is not a replacement for other efforts. No piece on its own is perfect, but when combined it has an impact. Even with air bags and seatbelts people still die in car accidents, but it's less than before. And even if it comes out a few years later that none of the things I did were effective, it wasn't much work on my end to try and help.

Thank you for the thoughtful contribution. I very much respect your point of view, and I very much wish I could share it!
Yes mother nature is cold, but you cannot wash your hands of this. It's not going to "do what it does" no matter what. Masks, distancing, quarantine can slow or stop the spread of it.

The situation is dire, but let's not pretend we are without tools to fight it or that the choices we each make have no impact. The outcome is not preordained or inevitable if WE take it seriously. If everyone goes around coughing in eachother's faces it will be much worse, if everyone wears a mask it will be much better.
Another casual, no offense taken or meant. Like Butterbean said, it's a difference of opinion and interpretation of information. I don't argue that it's bad. The fact is the ONLY way to overcome a virus is herd immunity. PERIOD. Thus is achieved two ways, you get it and your body can handle it or not, or yes a vaccine. The common cold is a coronavirus. Theres a reason there has never been a vaccine for this. Because it morphs so many times that it's impossible. As someone earlier stated from Italy, they LOCKED it down and as soon as they relaxed a little guess what it's back. This has happened in EVERY country on the planet so far. Because that's what viruses do. As far as the masks go the ONLY somewhat effective way is a N95, or a full on resperator. The rags we have to wear in public are worthless because they won't even filter particles as small as the virus are. This is obvious since all these places like NY that so called locked everything down and it didn't change a thing. It only prolonged the issue. The sooner we get over it the sooner we get over it. Not trying to sound or be calaus but that is what it is. Yes I do think if you're sick, stay home and keep it to yourself. I also don't have a problem if someone wants or needs to get the vaccine, I and my family just don't believe it's for us. And in all reality by the time we would even be elegible to get it it will be long enough down the pipe to most likely be unneccesary anyway. Common sense is to wash your hands and don't lick the toilet seat in a public bathroom. I apologize if I have offended anyone but that's just my take. And yes I do have and know friends and family affected by this.
Another casual, no offense taken or meant. Like Butterbean said, it's a difference of opinion and interpretation of information. I don't argue that it's bad. The fact is the ONLY way to overcome a virus is herd immunity. PERIOD. Thus is achieved two ways, you get it and your body can handle it or not, or yes a vaccine. The common cold is a coronavirus. Theres a reason there has never been a vaccine for this. Because it morphs so many times that it's impossible. As someone earlier stated from Italy, they LOCKED it down and as soon as they relaxed a little guess what it's back. This has happened in EVERY country on the planet so far. Because that's what viruses do. As far as the masks go the ONLY somewhat effective way is a N95, or a full on resperator. The rags we have to wear in public are worthless because they won't even filter particles as small as the virus are. This is obvious since all these places like NY that so called locked everything down and it didn't change a thing. It only prolonged the issue. The sooner we get over it the sooner we get over it. Not trying to sound or be calaus but that is what it is. Yes I do think if you're sick, stay home and keep it to yourself. I also don't have a problem if someone wants or needs to get the vaccine, I and my family just don't believe it's for us. And in all reality by the time we would even be elegible to get it it will be long enough down the pipe to most likely be unneccesary anyway. Common sense is to wash your hands and don't lick the toilet seat in a public bathroom. I apologize if I have offended anyone but that's just my take. And yes I do have and know friends and family affected by this.
I'm right with you on the toilet seat licking! I'd argue the vaccine offers inoculation without the same risks as being infected. Inoculation through the vaccine can lead to herd immunity in a safer way. We still don't understand the long term effects of either, but in the short term the vaccine hasn't produced the same severe symptoms normal exposure can. With that there is a benefit for many.

On that note, we still don't understand what causes the greatly varied symptoms and immune responses we have seen. For me, this is a cause for concern. For herd immunity to work everyone still has a job to do in building an immune response. For me, the safest way is through vaccination. Just need to hole up for a few more months.
Masks, social distancing, closing the restaurants... They are all about keeping the hospitals from getting overrun. During these big spikes of cases things turn into a jungle in the hospital. It got so bad this last spike that we were close to rationing ventilators. People probably died that would have made it if the hospital wasn't so full. Basically buying us time until the vaccine can be widespread.

Now my opinion is a little different than what they say on CNN in terms of how well that stuff works and if the juice is worth the squeeze...but here we are
I'm right with you on the toilet seat licking! I'd argue the vaccine offers inoculation without the same risks as being infected. Inoculation through the vaccine can lead to herd immunity in a safer way. We still don't understand the long term effects of either, but in the short term the vaccine hasn't produced the same severe symptoms normal exposure can. With that there is a benefit for many.

On that note, we still don't understand what causes the greatly varied symptoms and immune responses we have seen. For me, this is a cause for concern. For herd immunity to work everyone still has a job to do in building an immune response. For me, the safest way is through vaccination. Just need to hole up for a few more months.
I do agree that precautions should be taken to some extent but not to the extreme either. My personal opinion is that for far too long too many have tried to live in too clean of a bubble. Being on the farm all my life, we deal with bad crap everyday lol. We played and ate dirt when we were kids. We get dirty everyday. When we are out in the cold and our nose is runny from it we wipe it off on our glove and go on. If that glove had cow crap on it we wipe the crap off with our other hand and glove lol. When the wife brings out lunch, we wipe our hands off as clean as we can on our dirty pantlegs and eat. No sanitizer. This kind of lifestyle builds an immune system. Not saying I'm immune to anything and may get hit by lightining later today. We just do our thing and when stuff happens we do what we have to do to get past it and move on. We just have a different perspective of life, nature, and most anything really in this way of life. Maybe I'm just an oddball too. Fully respect your look at it also.
I do agree that precautions should be taken to some extent but not to the extreme either. My personal opinion is that for far too long too many have tried to live in too clean of a bubble. Being on the farm all my life, we deal with bad crap everyday lol. We played and ate dirt when we were kids. We get dirty everyday. When we are out in the cold and our nose is runny from it we wipe it off on our glove and go on. If that glove had cow crap on it we wipe the crap off with our other hand and glove lol. When the wife brings out lunch, we wipe our hands off as clean as we can on our dirty pantlegs and eat. No sanitizer. This kind of lifestyle builds an immune system. Not saying I'm immune to anything and may get hit by lightining later today. We just do our thing and when stuff happens we do what we have to do to get past it and move on. We just have a different perspective of life, nature, and most anything really in this way of life. Maybe I'm just an oddball too. Fully respect your look at it also.
X-2, I'm right with you
Depending in a mask to keep you from getting the covid......is like using chicken wire on a screen door to keep mosquitoes out.
This won't end until the left has taken all our rights away. Thry are killing off all small business and planning to tax you out of your guns .....all while we argue over wearing a mouth diaper or not.
Its hard to take the video seriously when the first expert is a psychiatrist as well as all the others that are denying it being a pandemic. Its not a pandemic for many countries because those countries dealt with it rather than denied its existence. How is a psychiatrist an expert in this field? Why should I listen to a psychiatrist on this topic? Why should I listen to a retired nurse or even just an MD with no specialty from Belgium much less a journalist. These types of nonsense videos pop up all the time. They should be banned on facebook and you tube. They provide absolutely no evidence whatsoever and yet people take them to be the word of God. People are going to avoid the vaccine because of some nonsense video thrown together by a qanon wannabe and we are going to have to deal with this for the rest of our lives as a result of anti vaxxers and anti maskers. My brother is an ER doctor and the majority of his patients have covid 19. He has to ship patients out of state on a regular basis because there are no beds available in his state. To be clear, not all of his patients come in for covid 19. Many come in for things like a broken leg and they get tested and they have it. I missed Christmas and Thanksgiving this year because he was afraid he would accidentally transmit it to us. Thankfully, he got the vaccine and I will get to see him for the first time in months. I am going to get the vaccine the moment its available to me. Trying to achieve natural herd immunity means hundreds of thousands of more lives lost and the immunity is only temporary so it may not even be possible even if we kill off all the old people and the ones immune system issues.
Its hard to take the video seriously when the first expert is a psychiatrist as well as all the others that are denying it being a pandemic. Its not a pandemic for many countries because those countries dealt with it rather than denied its existence. How is a psychiatrist an expert in this field? Why should I listen to a psychiatrist on this topic? Why should I listen to a retired nurse or even just an MD with no specialty from Belgium much less a journalist. These types of nonsense videos pop up all the time. They should be banned on facebook and you tube. They provide absolutely no evidence whatsoever and yet people take them to be the word of God. People are going to avoid the vaccine because of some nonsense video thrown together by a qanon wannabe and we are going to have to deal with this for the rest of our lives as a result of anti vaxxers and anti maskers. My brother is an ER doctor and the majority of his patients have covid 19. He has to ship patients out of state on a regular basis because there are no beds available in his state. To be clear, not all of his patients come in for covid 19. Many come in for things like a broken leg and they get tested and they have it. I missed Christmas and Thanksgiving this year because he was afraid he would accidentally transmit it to us. Thankfully, he got the vaccine and I will get to see him for the first time in months. I am going to get the vaccine the moment its available to me. Trying to achieve natural herd immunity means hundreds of thousands of more lives lost and the immunity is only temporary so it may not even be possible even if we kill off all the old people and the ones immune system issues.
Well that's your opinion and your most definitely entitled to it but I still won't buy in to it
Depending in a mask to keep you from getting the covid......is like using chicken wire on a screen door to keep mosquitoes out.
This won't end until the left has taken all our rights away. Thry are killing off all small business and planning to tax you out of your guns .....all while we argue over wearing a mouth diaper or not.

I wear my mask to prevent me spreading it to others. I wear it because I want to, not because I'm told to. As above, it is a simple pain free measure I can take to help keep the hospitals from overflowing. If it turns out to only be marginally effective, no big deal. It didn't cost me much time it money to throw one on. There no need to drag politics into this, it's humanity vs the virus as far as I'm concerned.
Its hard to take the video seriously when the first expert is a psychiatrist as well as all the others that are denying it being a pandemic. Its not a pandemic for many countries because those countries dealt with it rather than denied its existence. How is a psychiatrist an expert in this field? Why should I listen to a psychiatrist on this topic? Why should I listen to a retired nurse or even just an MD with no specialty from Belgium much less a journalist. These types of nonsense videos pop up all the time. They should be banned on facebook and you tube. They provide absolutely no evidence whatsoever and yet people take them to be the word of God. People are going to avoid the vaccine because of some nonsense video thrown together by a qanon wannabe and we are going to have to deal with this for the rest of our lives as a result of anti vaxxers and anti maskers. My brother is an ER doctor and the majority of his patients have covid 19. He has to ship patients out of state on a regular basis because there are no beds available in his state. To be clear, not all of his patients come in for covid 19. Many come in for things like a broken leg and they get tested and they have it. I missed Christmas and Thanksgiving this year because he was afraid he would accidentally transmit it to us. Thankfully, he got the vaccine and I will get to see him for the first time in months. I am going to get the vaccine the moment its available to me. Trying to achieve natural herd immunity means hundreds of thousands of more lives lost and the immunity is only temporary so it may not even be possible even if we kill off all the old people and the ones immune system issues.
The MRNA treatment does not keep you from getting or transmitting the virus.
Here is an interesting video - doctors from around the world conveying facts many of us have never heard before. I work in healthcare, and yes the last year has been crazy, but not for the reasons one might think. I have been encouraging, and participating in critical discussion with coworkers, and most of us have the feeling that only one side of the story is being featured in the media right now.

I am not an anti-vaxer. I believe in immunizations, and have received many in my life. I have always gone to a travel clinic and ensured my shots are up to date for whichever part of the world I may be visiting.

I have been learning a lot about Virology, and believe everyone has the right to INFORMED CONSENT. I'm not saying the vaccine is 'bad'. I believe there are some people for whom it will be a sensible choice, but at this time the data is lacking. I encourage everyone to review the vaccine trials, for me personally it raised more questions than answers.

I'm 70 years old,my so is 43 in a personal trainer probably in better shape than most of us got Covid in November lasted 2 weeks still can't smell and said it was horrible and really doesn't want it again. Also my nephew and two good friends agree don't want it again. With modern technology and medicine research things can happen a lot faster that in 1918 and during the polio age.
Depending in a mask to keep you from getting the covid......is like using chicken wire on a screen door to keep mosquitoes out.
This won't end until the left has taken all our rights away. Thry are killing off all small business and planning to tax you out of your guns .....all while we argue over wearing a mouth diaper or not.
And everywhere else in the world where restaurants are closed but they don't have guns to be taxed out of.... that the Left again?

I work for the military overseas and we are in tight spaces. We all wear a mask and practice social distancing to the maximum and we only have had a single positive case since the beginning of COVID here in Italy. For the past 6 months its been rampant here and our measures are still working.

How did that person contract coronavirus? Yep, at a Halloween party where people weren't wearing masks. Turns out a girl that showed up there was positive asymptomatic and he got it just from standing next to her for about a half hour and chatting it up. Luckily the PCR test that is apparently wrong so much was right on the money and we were able to contact trace and keep everyone there from showing up to various work locations. He tested positive and then became sick and was still testing positive 25 days later (called a long term positive).

Wear a mask or don't - its a personal decision unless you are like us Military folks that are ordered to do so in an attempt to mitigate spread in the event asymptomatic. Either it works (for the past year) or we are the luckiest bunch of SOBs in Italy.

Do you think the doctors in a surgical setting are wearing masks to protect themselves or the patient?
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