I apologize if I have offended you or anyone else on here. I am clearly open to discussing or I would not be replying. I would hope that the others here are open to the same.
I agree, statistics aren't facts on their own, correlation does not equal causation. I also agree that we don't know everything about the virus and it may be years before we do, if it happens at all. But that's not what is being discussed. If I'm not mistaken the other poster disagrees with me that the virus can be stopped. Instead they hold it will spread no matter our actions. With that I must disagree.
This isn't the first virus to spread across humanity. Some things shouldn't be surprising. Among those is that washing hands works, you can't give me the virus if you're not near me, don't touch your eyes and mouth with dirty hands, and that a mask slows or stops vapor droplets in your exhale from coming in direct contact with my face.
My point, we are not without tools to fight and win, and while death and taxes are inevitable, the spread of this virus is not. If we surrender and believe it is inevitable, then we have already lost.