I Know This Is LRH... But What Is The Shortest Distance You Have Taken A Live Target?

Rattle Snakes (3)

(1) .22LR Ruger Single Six,
(2) .25 Super M77 MKII
(3) .204 R M77 MKII

4 feet with the Single Six - bullet hole in center of reptile's head
Rifles - about 6 feet. Had to zoom down scope to lowest power & compensate for scope above bore.
My son and I got into a bunch of rattle snakes while hunting antelope. The rancher hated them and told us to kill every one we saw so we did just that. My son took the head off the biggest one at 6 feet as well as others at that same distance with a fast twist .22-250 shooting 53 grain vmax's. I was carrying a Swift and vaporized four of the young of the year with the 26" barrel inches to a foot or so away from each of them when I pressed the trigger. Didn't need the scope at that distance!! As far as a big game animal, I shot a doe while carrying the Swift that was one one side of a pine tree and I was on the other side. The shot was 6-8 feet or so. All I could see through the scope was brown hair when i shot.
I live up in the Ozark Mountains and there are trees everywhere here, therefore we get extremely few shots past 100 yds on deer, but that also means that deer can come right up on you in no time without you even realizing it.

My shortest shot that I have ever taken a whitetail deer is about 5 feet! Yep, 1.666 yds with a crossbow. What is your shortest shot?

View attachment 569619 This isn't the doe I shot at 5ft, but it shows how close they get.
About 5 yards on deer, but point blank on some vermin.
About 6 inches in a feral 300lb boar hog.
I walked around a small spring fed, tule choked livestock reservoir and saw him sleeping just inside the tules.
Put the 30-30 muzzle behind his ear and killed him instantly.
Then the wife and I drug him back to the truck, my wife was 3mos along with our first daughter. Talk about a trooper!
I wanted to try bear hunting over bait with a spear…..but, a call to the G&F determined that it was illegal in Wyoming! ☹️ memtb
In Wyoming hunting bear with a spear....YOU are the bait...... spear the bear's after dinner toothpick. Bear is the apex hunter; spear chucker the apex looney. G&F tacitly encourage that cleansing of the gene pool...... Will watch the papers...obit column...for your progress, entry in the Darwin Award Competition. :) :) :)
A bobcat got into our chicken house and killed them all. I set four traps in the doorway and left it open a little ways. Next morning I had one ****ed off 30lb bob cat that had three traps on it. One shot from my trusty Springfield model 15, 22 long rifle around 10'. I can't find the picture to post. That was my first big game kill 62 years ago when I was 8 years old.
I live up in the Ozark Mountains and there are trees everywhere here, therefore we get extremely few shots past 100 yds on deer, but that also means that deer can come right up on you in no time without you even realizing it.

My shortest shot that I have ever taken a whitetail deer is about 5 feet! Yep, 1.666 yds with a crossbow. What is your shortest shot?

View attachment 569619 This isn't the doe I shot at 5ft, but it shows how close they get.