I Know This Is LRH... But What Is The Shortest Distance You Have Taken A Live Target?

Get them with a claymoor? It's been 25+ yrs. The tree is still standing but it's gotten so big that my climber won't fit.

The stoopid things just kept walking out despite the one in front of them falling over.

I gave them to a family of immigrants that worked for family.

It was probably an '06 - it's been 25+ yrs. The tree has gotten so big that I can't get my climber on it any more, and there are planted pines in front that make a 25ft ladder stand useless. I regularly climbed that tree to 45ft. I could see the nuclear reactor in the next county over from it.
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Get them with a claymoor?
The problem with using a claymore mine—essentially a portable fougasse—is that, regardless of what the movies show OR the salesperson says … it is prudent to have something blast-proof between you and any side of such a device when you push that button.
As a former part-time military engineer, I can tell you that even a smoke grenade should only be used with adequate eye protection. One of the Regular Force engineers upgraded his water treatment qualifications for a civilian job after a smoke grenade went off instantly. His eye was fine by the time he left BUT you probably get my point about devices that are built to go bang.
Done that myself!

I forgot about coons and skunks in jaw traps or cage traps……numerous!

I also forgot, when working as a Reserve Police Officer, I put down a very injured, very large bull (domesticated) that had been hit by a car. My service weapon….. light load, cast bullet, 44 magnum @ about 6"! memtb
Whitetails so close, literally under my stand, that I can't let arrows fly. Turkeys right off your boot strings armed with a 12 gauge bazooka grade scatter gun can and do get right interesting too.

Amazing experience when things like these happen.

November, 2012 I was hunting in a newly reopened section that had been clear cut that fall. I was stalking the edge of the remaining forest strip after hearing some movement in the trees when to young 5 point bulls came to a halt at just under 2 yards in front of me. I raised my 30-06, and they both just stood there staring. It was an easy frontal shot through the heart, so only one of them got to walk away from the encounter
Did it also confirm at the same time...AND A #$_-@# G CRAZY IDEA!

They made no comment!

When baiting and hunting with my handgun, I had a young bear walk up on me close enough that I could hear her breathing…..couldn't get a shot through the thick conifer (large Christmas tree) between us.

Had she continued about another 4 feet, it would have been a shot of about 8 feet…..but she winded me. She "boogied" into the nearby dark timber…..but not in an "all out" panic run.

I waited a few minutes, and decided to attempt a stalk. Once into the dark timber, while waiting for my eyes to adjust……I heard her breaking up a rotted log close by. I slowly, quietly eased her way and saw her about 20 or so yards away…..facing away. She finally turned, giving me a broadside shot.

She's the little 2 tone blond , I posted the photo of in a different thread!

I figured if I could get close enough to hear one breathing…..it was within "spear chunking" or better yet ……. tree stand dropping range!😉 memtb
I killed a button buck when it was about 6 inches from the muzzle of my 7 STW. I wad looking at a really nice doe at 500 yards, heard something and realized this deer was
going to run me over. I rolled a little closed my eyes and pulled the trigger. Flipped it over, it *** landed about 2 inches from my nose. My brother had spooked it, I was laying between the fence and a hedge. It destroyed 95% of the meat. (Aluminum tip and copper jacket pieces throughout).
I live up in the Ozark Mountains and there are trees everywhere here, therefore we get extremely few shots past 100 yds on deer, but that also means that deer can come right up on you in no time without you even realizing it.

My shortest shot that I have ever taken a whitetail deer is about 5 feet! Yep, 1.666 yds with a crossbow. What is your shortest shot?

View attachment 569619 This isn't the doe I shot at 5ft, but it shows how close they get.
Horizontally, about 24" with a muzzleloader.
I didn't take the chance because it was illegal at the time; Alabama was not very generous with their doe season then. Back about '83 or '84, I was on a trail that led to a power line. I watched a doe come across the power line, not in a hurry at all. She came straight down the trail I was standing on and I stepped aside just before her nose hit my leg. She acted like I wasn't even there until I moved to let her by. I've had a few other close brushes (less than 5 yards) with deer, but never that close. It was always bow hunting and got busted every time. The one mentioned above was gun season, hunting with buckshot.
I didn't take the chance because it was illegal at the time; Alabama was not very generous with their doe season then. Back about '83 or '84, I was on a trail that led to a power line. I watched a doe come across the power line, not in a hurry at all. She came straight down the trail I was standing on and I stepped aside just before her nose hit my leg. She acted like I wasn't even there until I moved to let her by. I've had a few other close brushes (less than 5 yards) with deer, but never that close. It was always bow hunting and got busted every time. The one mentioned above was gun season, hunting with buckshot.