When I walked up to the buck and grabbed onto his horns the only thing on my mind was that it was getting late and I needed to get to work to get the buck dressed and down to the creek. I grabbed his rack and started pulling the buck down the hill to a better place to dress him out. I will admit that at first I thought the buck was just hung up on something when he got hard to pull , that is until he lifted his head up.
I was very suprised to say the least. I can not say I was ever scared in any way. I used to work at a Vet clinic dealing with big dogs every day, many of which were not overly happy to be handled. Similiar situation. No need to panic or get scared but it is time to focus and think.
My first reaction was to grab for my handgun which is generally in my pack but it was not there this time. I was more worried that the buck would run off the state ground I was on and onto private ground that I could not hunt so I simply backed away and once I realized the buck was not really able to cover much ground and that he laid back down with me only 20 yards away, I knew I could easily finish this fight. Again, I would not say I was scared in anyway, just suprised. Had he come after me, that certainly may have been a different story but again, I have had 100 lb german shepards and 150 lb Rotts come after me in the clinic and once you know how to deal with them its not really all that bad. A +300 lb mule deer buck however certainly could have done alot of damage but luckily he went away from me.
To be honest, the most nerve racking part of it was when I was by myself, elbow deep into the buck dressing him out and I looked around and realized it was so dark I could not even hardly tell what was bushes around me from their shadows. All summer there had been three grizzlies in this area and that was the first thing that came to my mind sitting there in near total dark, bloody and pretty much blind.......
Here are the promised pictures.
Pretty tall but very short main beams. Had he had good main beams this would have easily been a upper 160 to lower 170" buck just from his frame size. Only a 4 year old buck so he had not yet started to put on the mass but still my best mule deer to date. I have spent so much time taking good whitetails that I have let alot of mule deer pass.