Well-Known Member
I've heard archers speak about the narrow area right below the spine where you really don't get much of the vitals. Maybe just barely clip the top of the lungs. Could be what happened??
The buck was mortally wounded, I was obviously not intentionally hunting big game after dark as I had only a 1911 pistol. My way of thinking, if the FWP wants to try to nail me killing big game after hours I would be MORE then willing to take that one in front of a judge and see where the chips fall. I only did what I suspect any ethical sportsman would do.
It was proven the deer was alive but not able to run away as he only took a few yards worth of movement before falling. Knowing that, I would like to know how many other hunters would leave an animal overnight in that condition when they had the ability to end its suffering then and there.
Perhaps you would not have done what I did but if I had it to do again, I would but I would have my rifle with me the first time I went out. That was my only mistake.
They asked who shot the buck and I said that I had with a bit of a smile on my face I am sure.