Hard to believe story...

Hard to believe story??

I never cease to be amazed at the ignorance of 'lay persons'.....when it comes to the subject of riflery and accurate shooting! And I'm quite certain that the term 'lay person' is quite applicable here for IMO....that's someone that has absolutely no knowledge of the capability of modern metallic cartridges and especially no knowledge whatsoever about long range shooting! Once upon a time I made a comment....(when asked about a particular buck I had hanging on the wall as to how far it was from me when I shot it)....that the buck was 627 yards and another fellow listening in to the question asked...."627 yards? Where's the hunting in that; the buck didn't even know you were around?" My reply back was "You're absolutely right about that buck not knowing I was around and that's the way I meant for it to be!" Eighty yard shots are quite common in some of our states up in the northeastern United States and it's really difficult for one whom has been confined to that type of deer habitat to realize that there are many other areas where the deer habitat offers much longer shot possibilities. Northeast Louisiana, where I live today looks like West Texas... for the bulldozers raped the land 40 years ago and now.....it's much like the open plains of our western states. But...we still have many deer in our area and their habitat is now open fields which have drainage canals/ditches and usually these areas offer much cover for our whitetails. And....whereas I grew up hunting deer in heavy timber many years ago....now....if you can't make a shot out to 600 yards...OR MORE....you're gonna let quite a few nice bucks be taken by someone else and your 'deep freeze' is going to be lacking adequate venison!

As for making a killing shot on an elk at 1100 yards....I have probably 15 rifles in my safe that will 'bust' 1 gal. milk jugs at that distance and it's really no real chore....if the shooter knows what's going on and has adequate training! In lieu of writing any farther....I think I'll just save my fingers/time for someone that can relate to what I'm typing! There are many here.....that do!
I never cease to be amazed at the ignorance of 'lay persons'.....when it comes to the subject of riflery and accurate shooting! And I'm quite certain that the term 'lay person' is quite applicable here for IMO....that's someone that has absolutely no knowledge of the capability of modern metallic cartridges and especially no knowledge whatsoever about long range shooting!

Rifles are like carbureators. Everybody claims to be an expert until you hand them a screw driver.
Once upon a time I made a comment....(when asked about a particular buck I had hanging on the wall as to how far it was from me when I shot it)....that the buck was 627 yards and another fellow listening in to the question asked...."627 yards? Where's the hunting in that; the buck didn't even know you were around?"

I witnessed a similar conversation. The owner of a hunting Supply store was showing the mount of a 10 point that he had taken at 500 or so yards. A bystander made a similar comment about the deer not knowing he was there. The store owner promtly pointed to the 12 point hanging beside the 10 on the wall and said. "This 12 was taken at 6 yards with a bow, he had no idea I was there either."

It's amazing people buy all these products to conceal their pressance in an area and then become critical of those who don't yet are successfull.

Mike Alford
Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1)

The word LONG ( Long Range Hunting )

1. having considerable linear extent in space: a long distance; a long handle.

That should clarify your reception here. Folks come here to learn and share LONG range hunting, experiences, techniques, etc.!

I gotta cant help it! This for devildoc "300 yards offhand on running game" pretty much what ya say? All I gotts to say is "I DARE HIM". That aint a hard shot! And yes Ive done it more than once.

Now for one that nobody will believe and I cant repeat it but Ive seen it and seen $100 bills change hands many times. Fellow hunting buddy for years Freddy Whitfield that past away 4 years ago could do the following everytime....here is the shot.....16oz soda bottle 1/2 full of water....270 rem pump....Lay the rifle on the ground directly beside him.....he would throw the bottle into the air ....turn pick up the rifle....shoot and hit the bottle while still in the air....not always on the first shot but only have time for 2 at the most.

One thing I will tell you he was a pretty big guy so that 270 to him was like a 22 to most of us.

Most cant do it with a shotgun but he could do it repeatedly with that 270 if you dont believe, I wish he was still around and you had lots of money!
Boiled eggs or raw?

Somewhere in the Army, either Benning or Bragg we were taught how to shoot 50 cent pieces thrown in the air with BB rifles. Once you know the two or three tricks involved it is not hard. Of course the Army did not use 50 cent peices, they used special milled aluminum discs costing about $30.00 each.:D
when i was younger my dad use to win money shooting skeet with a 22 rifle among other tricks like throwing a potato up in the air between his legs the grabing the rifle and shooting it in half then shooting the two halfs before they hit the ground. he would do shows for a remington dealer up in the panhandle when he was 19-20 yrs old back in the 50s
mule deer are actually a sub species of blacktails they have determined this with genetics.

... deer species in temperate North America lies in the Canadian Rocky Mountain ... all five North American deer species (White-tailed Deer, Mule deer, Caribou, Elk, Moose

this out of the encyclopedia it was pasted and posted
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I Understand What Your Saying

... deer species in temperate North America lies in the Canadian Rocky Mountain ... all five North American deer species (White-tailed Deer, Mule deer, Caribou, Elk, Moose

this out of the encyclopedia it was pasted and posted
This has been recently discovered not old news they did genetic testing and determined that mule deer were derived from blacktails when i relocate the artical i will post for you.
Looks like there are others That could do those shots.. but for the record this afternoon at 428 Pm 24hrs and 50 some od mins after putting my new 270 AM in the truck for the first time...opps! another one dared me! 279 yards I caught a 7 point cutting the corner on a field...running broadside one shot dropped in his tracks!..oh and it was free-handed!
...just had a fellow on another forum (unrelated to hunting) brag about shooting an elk at 1100meters with a 300 ultra-mag. I have not shot an ultra. I have shot a lot of long range guns...from 'Nam to Africa, to hunting in N. Mex, Co, etc. I would never attempt a shot like that. Just too many variables. Plus, where's the "hunting"? If he had a guide, I can't believe a guide would allow a client to take a shot at that range.
I'm about to jump on him, but, I thought maybe some of you may have dropped an elk at Looong range. Ideas?
Welcome to a location of good people great stories and a ton of knowledge. The only thing I will warn you about is that this place can cost you a lot of money.LOL

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