Hard to believe story...

I too am sorry for the defensive stance I took in my post earlier. Goodgrooper said it well when he said that most of us long range shooters do take a beating and always wind up with critics calling us unethical, and non hunters just shooters. I also have to agree that the individual that said that the 300rum has 3 times the speed of a regular 300wm doesn't know much about either. If he owned a .300rum he would probably researched any advantage it would have over the other cartriges and in turn would have had more accurate information. As for someone being able to make a shot like that at 1100 meters, I beleive this. Maybe not this individual but the shot can be done and there are those that will say that the .300 rum is an excellent long range shooter. Put any good rifle in the hands of a skilled, knowledgable, well versed shooter and shots that may seem impossible to most will likely become possible.
Well if my memory serves me correctly 1100 meters is right at 1200yds. So, is it possible, Yes. It's pushin' the limits of a 300 rum for that size game, and it would take a dedicated long range rig and an equally dedicated long range trigger puller, but it's doable. I'd say that it's exceeding the comfort range of probably 95% of the guys even on this site, let alone the general population. It would also take some pretty darn good weather conditions and a very high BC bullet. But again it's possible.
ok let's back up here a bit .but to be honest your post sounded like a ORSON WELLS novel to the point of being rehearsed . its true elk are elk moose are moose and so on and so forth but all 5 belong to the deer family.
every one that belongs to this site shoot long range or learning/wanting to
the name of the website says it all
It took me a bit to get the defensiveness. Then it occurred to me, "yep, I bet old fogeys like me drop in here and bitch that anything over 200 yards should be illegal!" I am amazed by the improvement in equipment from just, to me, a few years ago. My last western hunt, we had no rangefinder, no nothing, just Kentucky windage and elevation. Worked o.k., at the time, at the distances we shot. I've killed two muleys--one at about 125 yds. and the other at 250. The 250 was a long shot--then. I will settle in and watch and read. I remember shooting some of the early 50 sniper rifles and not being at all impressed. They have certainly improved! A lot of the cartridges you guys shoot, I've barely heard of. I think of my .458x2" American as "exotic." So, it should be interesting.
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"It's pushin' the limits of a 300 rum for that size game"

Numbers at 24.7 in Hg and 1200yds for my 26" ten twist 300RUM shooting 240SMK's at 3000fps from Sierra's program:

25.5 MOA come-up
1668 ft. lbs. energy

Numbers have their place (and so on...don't want to get that debate going...). Just showing that this cartridge is still quite capable at this distance energy wise. That's still enough for elk. A 30" barrel would add some more.
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Welcome to long range hunting. I apologize for the behavior of some of my buddies in here, they ought to be ashamed of them selves. I want you to know most of them are great folks. From time to time you'll get a filthy mouth but its not even close to some other sites.

I'm very thankful for this site; it's loaded with knowledge and a bunch of folks willing to help. You'll see. Just stick around.

Len Backus is the owner. I personally am grateful to the man. I have learned a bunch, have still a bunch to learn and have met here some great folks.

Welcome again!
"It's pushin' the limits of a 300 rum for that size game"

Numbers at 24.7 in Hg and 1200yds for my 26" ten twist 300RUM shooting 240SMK's at 3000fps from Sierra's program:

25.5 MOA come-up
1668 ft. lbs. energy

Numbers have their place (and so on...don't want to get that debate going...). Just showing that this cartridge is still quite capable at this distance energy wise. That's still enough for elk. A 30" barrel would add some more.

I consider 1600ft/lbs on the light side for elk, though adequate, though with the bullet/muzzle velocity you gave I'd expect it to be closer to 1300ft/lbs, but I could be wrong there. Not to mention your wind drift is gonna be 5-7' with a 10mph crosswind, and elk country is darn hard to read the wind in. If you're good enough to put one in 1MOA at that range in elk country it is certainly doable, but like I said, it's pushin' the limits of the platform. I'm sure that it's way beyond my capability, though that isn't saying much. But I suspect that only a handfull of people here could confidently take that shot in anything but perfect conditions which don't happen very often in elk country. Now go up to a bigger platform like a .50 or even one of the .338 AM's with 300's and you'd probably be comfortably within the capability of the platform and then it's just a matter of the nut-behind-the butt. JMO
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Exbal on my PDA is close to Sierra's numbers and Exbal been spot on right on for my rig past 1000yds.

1200yd info:

25.5 MOA come-up
1770 fps
1669 ft. lbs. energy
Like I said, I could be wrong. If that's what you get and you've proofed it, I believe you. All I'm saying is at that range with that setup you have to be one wind reading SOB to be able to put it in the boiler room in country like this.


Taken weekend before last in my elk hunting grounds.
Deepwater, welcome to the site. I apologise for the treatment you first received.

It is unfortunate that there ARE trolls looking to cause trouble and you got caught in some crossfire.

It happens. I do think that maybe we should be a little less paranoid because the fact is we "trolled" ourselves in this thread because we thought there was a troll.
deepwater i apologize for my nasty behavior on this board and to Len also. i had a really bad day at work and wanted to smack somebody and you just happened to be the one . and welcome to the board

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Thanks, all. I plan on sittin' back and learning. That will be a nice change, I spend my days teaching at the college level. Most of my current shooting is handguns...and two squirrels a week. So, this will be a BIG change. I am planning on relocating next year, so I will be a bit closer to real big game hunting.
If you like handguns in general, then also realize some of us nuts shoot specialty handguns at long range also. The rifle guys do not get to have all of the fun:D

Now that everyone has knocked the rough edges off, you'll meet some of the nicest, most helpful people ever.

I'm still working on 3-600 yard consistency, and some of these guys have hit stuff at nearly 2000 yards!

I try to learn something from everyone here, even though some of them are downright salty at times!!!!

As for the .300 RUM and your original question: Yes it could be done. No, it couldn't be done by someone without LOTS of work!

Good reading!!

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