Hard to believe story...

I thought some of the other forums i have visited were a tough crowd. I came here for, what I thought was, a relatively easy answer to a question--not to start a ****ing match. I need a notebook to keep up.
So, can a guy, who does not really sound like a practice, practice, practice shooter hit an elk at 1100 meters with a 300 ultra? I don't think so. I came here for comfirmation, rebuttal, etc, to THAT question. Whew. Thanks for the FEW that actually followed what I was looking for.

Yes, you should be able to come in and get simple answers to your questions, however, it appears to be a touchy, very defensive crowd that responded to you.

Yes, a guy who does not practice, practice, practice can hit an elk at 1100 meters with a 300 Ultra. If he is lucky as he can be. The next time you look at the moon, remember men have put their feet down and walked there. If a man can walk on the moon, why can't a man shoot at elk at 1100 meters?

I am by no means suggesting that everybody should go out and start shooting animals at that range, but if the shooter is taught and has the proper equipment, an 1100 meter elk shot is possible. A novice? Who knows? I witnessed a young lady,who had never fired a rifle, last summer shoot a 1 gallon jug at 750 yards and blow is all to ***. Maybe it was a fluke or whatever, I saw her do it with a 30 Hart and some coaching from our group. I realize a jug and an elk are different as are a 30Hart and a RUM but regardless she busted the jug.

Just Remember to look at the Moon.
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