Hard to believe story...

Well now gentlemen! let's give the guy the benefit of a doubt. That's not the way we treat our new member, are we?. By the way welcome to LRH DW1. P.S tell us more about hunting in the Black Continent.
I have shot a lot of long range guns...from 'Nam to Africa,

So when were you in RVN? What unit were you with? Where did you operate? What rifle did you use? Where were you trained? Who trained you? How many kills did you make? What were the ranges of your kills?

You have made a claim that puts you in a particular group of people yet you seem very unaware of basic fundamentals that people in that group would know. You can go up on the front page and find out who I am and what I know about "long range guns from 'Nam".
...just had a fellow on another forum (unrelated to hunting) brag about shooting an elk at 1100meters with a 300 ultra-mag. I have not shot an ultra. I have shot a lot of long range guns...from 'Nam to Africa, to hunting in N. Mex, Co, etc. I would never attempt a shot like that. Just too many variables. Plus, where's the "hunting"? If he had a guide, I can't believe a guide would allow a client to take a shot at that range.
I'm about to jump on him, but, I thought maybe some of you may have dropped an elk at Looong range. Ideas?

I'm confused, you're here on this forum, but you dont expect to see long range kills???
I had a similar conversation with a guy at work. He thought that it wasn't exactly hunting to take a shot at these ranges and that there were way to many varriables that can affect a shot at these distances. The cool part is that you can account for these varriables. If you account properly, the shot can be made very effectively. I also think that saying that taking a long shot is not hunting is wrong. It is like saying that boxing is not fighting simply because you beleive that the only way a person could effectivly fight is brazillian Jujitsu style. they are both fighting they just take a different approach to it. I also had a person tell me that they were a marine sniper and have made shots on humans out to 1500 meters and gave me a bunch of credintials and then proceeded to tell me that taking a shot past 500 meters on game was just unethical. My question for him was, why is it so ethical to shoot a person at 1000+ meters but not on animals. My philosophy is, if the shot can be made, then take it.
Why are we jumping down the guys throat?

The guys has 3 posts here. Maybe he DID come here to ask a question?

Goodgrouper said the guys a troll and now everyone has to grill him to find out if he is or not.

Maybe he is, maybe he isn't. But, if the question is answered knowledge is shared by those who want and need it.
Let's cut the guy some slack. Before I got into precision shooting I would have said B.S. too. I have taken friends to the range, including former military and police sharpshooters and watched their jaws drop when they see me shoot 1-hole (100 yard) groups. They don't say B.S. anymore, they say "I gotta get me a rifle like that and learn to shoot it that good".
First of all I think the guy that told Deepwater about the supposed long range Elk kill was completely FOS. The ultramags most definately do not put out bullets at "three times" the velocity of a winmag. And the way a bullet works at 1000+yds is pretty much the same way it works at 10ft. And accepting that the guy said those things would lead me to believe that he doesn't know what he's talking about, and probably made no such shot. Just another one of those "300yd, off hand, running shots". Guys that have that poor of a comprehension level about basic physics and ballistics are just darn unlikely to have the skill and knowledge to make a serious long range shot like that. Heck I have the knowledge and I don't think I can make that shot.....yet.

As for the ethical thing, I think Len has been pretty clear that the ethics discussion is off limits here. If you want to discuss the ethics aspect I think there was a thread on the missouri hunting forums fairly recently that you can jump into.

But it has always amazed me that some yokel thinks that shooting a deer from a tree stand at 100yds is "hunting, and sporting", but glassing em' at 500-1000yds and having the skill to make a one shot kill is somehow cheating.
If you think it unethical to take an elk at this range then you are not in like company on this board. We tend to be polite as possible but again, your not with like minded company and I would like to refer you over to 24hourcampfire.com. There you will fine MANY that feel just as you do.

Then the two opinions mix, good rarely comes of it.

Is it hunting, that is in the eye of the beholder and your opinion is simply that, yours and only yours. Again, its not the opinion of many on this board. Did you read the title of the chat room, Longrangehunting.com......

Troll or not, your looking for something that will be used to simply start a ****in match in most cases.

Kirby Allen(50)
Thank you Kirby

Hard to believe story???? NOT REALLY

The best I have heard so far is a friend told me that the son of a friend of his had recently completed military sniper school and could shoot the head out of a quarter at 1,000 yards at will.

Yes I laughed an told the man not to make any bets on that as I had just shot the 1000 yrd. Nationals at Quantico and my best group was 4.9" so hitting the head of a quarter at will at 1,000 yards would be truely Unbelievable.

Mike Alford
I thought some of the other forums i have visited were a tough crowd. I came here for, what I thought was, a relatively easy answer to a question--not to start a ****ing match. I need a notebook to keep up.
deadbeat--I grew up with 3 deer. I am aware that blacktails are actually a derivative of muleys. Moose and elk are a different subfamily (I think). No one, that I ever hunted with referred to elk or moose as deer. They were elk and moose.
Lewis? I ran station (read very large ranch) security in both S. AFrica and Rhodesia. BMG were pretty common since our main problem was militant poachers. Almost all stations had what most would call military capability.
Nonya--a lot of people, at the time, took J. O'C's words as the gospel. Times change.
Silvertop/ the technology has changed the playing field significantly. The distances shot, now, were impossible 20 years ago.
devildoc---I agree, that's why I came here. Oh, ethics change.
fifty (sorry can't read my note) My last western hunt (since I can't do anything long range here, or with a rifle for that matter) was in '85 or '86. THEN it would have been unethical to take the kind of shots that you guys are successful at TODAY. Times, gentlemen, change.
I know I missed someone. sorry.
So, can a guy, who does not really sound like a practice, practice, practice shooter hit an elk at 1100 meters with a 300 ultra? I don't think so. I came here for comfirmation, rebuttal, etc, to THAT question. Whew. Thanks for the FEW that actually followed what I was looking for.
I thought some of the other forums i have visited were a tough crowd. I came here for, what I thought was, a relatively easy answer to a question--not to start a ****ing match. I need a notebook to keep up.
deadbeat--I grew up with 3 deer. I am aware that blacktails are actually a derivative of muleys. Moose and elk are a different subfamily (I think). No one, that I ever hunted with referred to elk or moose as deer. They were elk and moose.
Lewis? I ran station (read very large ranch) security in both S. AFrica and Rhodesia. BMG were pretty common since our main problem was militant poachers. Almost all stations had what most would call military capability.
Nonya--a lot of people, at the time, took J. O'C's words as the gospel. Times change.
Silvertop/ the technology has changed the playing field significantly. The distances shot, now, were impossible 20 years ago.
devildoc---I agree, that's why I came here. Oh, ethics change.
fifty (sorry can't read my note) My last western hunt (since I can't do anything long range here, or with a rifle for that matter) was in '85 or '86. THEN it would have been unethical to take the kind of shots that you guys are successful at TODAY. Times, gentlemen, change.
I know I missed someone. sorry.
So, can a guy, who does not really sound like a practice, practice, practice shooter hit an elk at 1100 meters with a 300 ultra? I don't think so. I came here for comfirmation, rebuttal, etc, to THAT question. Whew. Thanks for the FEW that actually followed what I was looking for.

Sorry for the grilling but your timing of and wording of that post threw up a red flag. There was just a thread started days ago about some anti-long range hunters finding our website and the way you worded your question sounded like it was somone trolling from the other site. We here at long range hunting take beatings from most of the hunting world and we are cautious for obvious reasons. But you seem like trolling is not your intention so welcome to long range hunting. Most guys here are great folks and more than willing to help. The ones who aren't quickly show their colors. But it's still the friendliest and best site on the web.

In answer to your question, my opinion is similiar to devidoc's. The "bragger" had no idea what he was talking about and IF he made the shot, it was pure luck but I'm guessing he never shot even half as far as he said he did.
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