
Actually, its 12% vs 0%. The less than 1% is when the pipeline is actually in production which would be several years from now if Biden had not stopped it. Let me ask you this. Which would you notice more? A 12% raise or less than 1% raise?
Not a zero sum game. Not one or the other I'll take all. Your 8-12 perfect. Seems small to some. People 1percent seems small to you. Again you don't understand speculation. Yes the line wasn't done but investing starts on the ground floor and can happen we'll be for its functional.
I tell you what. If you, snox801, and shortgrass will become paying members and have that little green tag that says LRH Team Member next to your names, I will never come on here and annoy you with politics. I will allow you to continue to believe that you are right regardless of how wrong you are and I will continue to pay my membership and remain silent.
Nope I'm not paying for that. And as for being wrong that's your take. You have shown me zero or even steered me in the right direction to sway me. I've told you multiple spots to lol for secondary data and how your lack of certain data. I do my own looking on both sides what glaring is your talking points. And circular arguments. Thanks not thing your missing from working on a campaign is to call me a racist without knowing my race. M this never has been about right or wrong it's about freedom and freedom to chose how we operate with out our government messing around with it.
Its amazing how some people want everything for free.
Lol this made me laugh coming from a guy who thinks healthcare should be free.
Boy the lack of self awareness is amazing.
Free market works.
Len has a great site. He obviously able to make it with sponsorships like many of my favorite sites. If he can't then he will put a fee. Then I have the choice if it's still valuable to me.
Second I would Bet he's made more money off of me juts in his store alone which I have purchased from in the past.
Done, going to hold you too your word.
See what I mean. Everything he said is complete nonsense and easily proven incorrect. The fact every expert on the planet, even those working for the previous administration, have said that the amount of oil being pumped through the xl pipeline, would have little to no effect on gas prices but he knows more than they do.

This is what I am dealing with. For you, I am not going to say anything. I am going to hold my tongue regardless of the fact that he refuses to support this forum.
Prove one point wrong of mine without using some cnn or msnbc cramp.
Prove me wrong on personal freedom or free market.? All those are fact.
Also fact you want free healthcare but accuse others of wanting something for free.
That's the hight of Hypocrisy.
That's fact that you can't see that is astonishing.
No matter how many times you say it doesn't make something true.
Done! He's a link all should read Some of us actually do work for a living instead of sitting in front of a computer!
"This is where theory pushes up against practice. Production was high, but distribution and refinement were not able to keep up with it."

Infrastructure effects distribution. Pipelines can aid in distribution and positively effect the EROI ratio for extracted hydrocarbons.
As long as you made a wager of use paying for a sub.
I'll make you a wager. I will pay all of your cost associated with moving to a country that more slings with your views.
Maybe Cuba.

I'm sure you are one of those that would not stay and fight for your country. I on the other hand will dig these boots deep in the soil and fight for this last bastion of freedom that has done more for humans than any country on earth. No thanks to the government
Let's no forget that dems have pushed to remove coal. Coal significantly can offset the price of fuel because it can be used for many things, like heat, power or even made into clean coal fuels for diesel.
That's why I've never said juts drilling and pipelines will do it. Juts small parts open up coal again.
Yes it's dirty but we cut out cola production to sell to the Market in the name of global warming. Well crap now China is not only taking. Our market share but upping production so now we have not helped the environment at all juts cost us more money.
Let's go Brandon!
Pays pretty good while you spend time on an interdnet forum,,,, Hmmmmmmmmm
Its one of the many perks. Covid has been especially good to me. I get to work from home. I only put maybe a few hundred miles a month on my vehicles and the scenery outside my window is awesome. Even with the gas prices what they are today, I spend less money on gas then I did before the pandemic when prices were considerably lower and I am not putting the miles on my vehicles so that saves me even more money.