
I'll give him a brake. It's because the ones with the R made it that way.
Am I doing this right.
Funny, if you look at history, george h bush left a horrible economy. Clinton inherented Bush's economy and when he leaves, the economy is booming with no deficit and a balanced budget. W Bush inherent Clinton's economy and when he leaves office, the economy is tanking. Obama inherents W's economy and the economy is booming when he leaves. Trump inherents Obama's economy and when he leaves office the economy has completely tanked because of the pandemic.
"Well, you may not know it but this mans a spy,, he's an under cover agent for the FBI, And he's been sent down here to infiltrate the Klu Klux Klan! Would You believe this man has gone as far as tearin' Wallace stickers off the bumpers of cars, And he voted for George McGovern for President! Well, he's a friend of those long haired hippy type pinko ***s! I betcha' he's even gotta commie flag tacked up in his garage! He's a snake in the grass, I tell ya' guys. He may look dumb but that's just a disguise, He's a mastermind in the ways of espionage!" credit to the Charlie Daniels Band
I got that song shortgrass
Funny, if you look at history, george h bush left a horrible economy. Clinton inherented Bush's economy and when he leaves, the economy is booming with no deficit and a balanced budget. W Bush inherent Clinton's economy and when he leaves office, the economy is tanking. Obama inherents W's economy and the economy is booming when he leaves. Trump inherents Obama's economy and when he leaves office the economy has completely tanked because of the pandemic.
Since we are making excuses, W's economy was significantly effected by 911 , something Clinton could have prevented if he would have went hit UBL during the multitudes of opportunities he had in his admin. W also had the lingering effects of the .com bubble bursting to deal with, with also happened under Clinton's watch.

The economy was not exactly booming under Bathhouse Barry either, and one could argue that his incompetence in dealing with Putin set conditions for what is happening in Ukraine right now and the economic calamity that is certain to follow.

And even if your statements above are true why isn't Brandon making the economy boom, as you suggest democrats do?
Since we are making excuses, W's economy was significantly effected by 911 , something Clinton could have prevented if he would have went hit UBL during the multitudes of opportunities he had in his admin. W also had the lingering effects of the .com bubble bursting to deal with, with also happened under Clinton's watch.

The economy was not exactly booming under Bathhouse Barry either, and one could argue that his incompetence in dealing with Putin set conditions for what is happening in Ukraine right now and the economic calamity that is certain to follow.

And even if your statements above are true why isn't Brandon making the economy boom, as you suggest democrats do?
Because it takes time to recover. Obama and Clinton did not fix the mess they inherited overnight either.
The fact that he lost the election should be a good indicator of tha

But since this is about what we pay for gas. Here we are today.
Funny, if you look at history, george h bush left a horrible economy. Clinton inherented Bush's economy and when he leaves, the economy is booming with no deficit and a balanced budget. W Bush inherent Clinton's economy and when he leaves office, the economy is tanking. Obama inherents W's economy and the economy is booming when he leaves. Trump inherents Obama's economy and when he leaves office the economy has completely tanked because of the pandemic.
You and I have different ideas of booming if you think Obama left a booming economy. Again it was the slowest recorded recovery on record. Again you can keep making the claim trumps failed but you can't count that last year when the whole world shut down. You sir are truly being disingenuous and you know it. That won't win over anyone because they see right through it.
What about Reagan he inherited Carter's terrible economy and showed the fastest growth. Again you need to be consistent.
You are mono of those. You pick and choose what to look at.
Haha. Two weeks later it's up another 70 cents. Wife woke me up yelling they want to throw another socialist check. "GAS STIMULUS" going to have to be 100K for every 1K they give us back per person to cover our payback it will actually cost. I have to laugh or loose my mind.