full length or neck sizing on a short fat case?

Opinions are like elbows(?). Almost everybody has one. Try neck sizing and see if it works in your rifle. Short Mags have fairly sharp shoulders so case stretch should be minimal during firing. Neck size and see if the case chambers. If it has excessive resistance, then you know it didn’t work in your rifle. If it doesn’t, neck size only. If is has resistance, try partial full length resizing. Before i would use non-full length resized ammo for hunting, I would insure that every round chambers easily. Experiment and see what works for you. Reloading isn’t an exact science.
If it's not an improved cartridge, and you expect more than ~8 reload cycles, your chance of success with NSing only is low.
That is, by 'chance'.
- Low shoulder angles and high body taper runs you out of head spacing with relatively few firings, as brass grips chamber front toward back, with excess stretching due to angles. From then you need to bump shoulders at least, -every time, going forward.
- If your chamber is sloppy SAAMI, then near web brass will expand to yielding, and brass forever wants to go where it's been.
With relatively few firings you can end up with an interference fit at the breach & popping extraction from that.
From then you need body sizing, -every time, going forward.
Without mitigating efforts, these are near certainties. Won't take much for 'trying' to see this.

It doesn't mean these issues can't be headed off to begin with, or that FL sizing is actually required, or better.
It just validates, as millions have, that doing things by chance will likely take you to right where they went.
If you only get 5 or 6 firings from brass before pockets loosen, then nothing is going to help other than to run lower pressure loads.
No sizing type will help.
If you WANT more brass life, then you will need to adjust things right from the git-go, just for that.