Well-Known Member
Thanks for cutting them in half. Now I can stop wondering .I don't need the info or the lecture. It WILL penetrate, especially close. I'm not talking about using a SMK or some other garbage bullet that is going to turn into dust with incredible jacket separation.
I was under the assumption that people know that the ELD-M have a thicker jacket and more weight then the ELD-X, but still works like a hunting round, specifically like the A-MAX, if I'm not mistaken, the A-MAX was considered Hunting class if popular belief matters.
IF the OP was intending to use the ELD series, my opinion was that perhaps the ELD-M would have better penetration than the ELD-X, because it will deform slower.
Neither is bonded so separation is possible, with the ELD-X having interlock ring giving the best design to be LESS LIKELY to have separation. There is plenty of anecdotal info on both being used for bear. They both work, and sometimes, they both don't work. Since terminal performance, is about more than just bullet design....range, velocity and sectional density matters. So to clarify, I'm not sure how WELL it will penetrate a grizzle shoulder...vs the ELD-X, at range, but my guess is educated. However, its not a problem if you don't hit the shoulder either way...those lungs are gone.
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