Do I have Covid

My family lives in 4 homes which are all within a short driving distance of each other. My kids are mature, married and have toddlers of their own. All 4 houses are now occupied by adults & children with active Covid.

Interestingly enough, both son-in-laws appear to be immune to the virus. They live with their wives & kids who are (PCR) tested positive and all are symptomatic. But, they display no symptoms and one just tested (PCR) negative while the other is (Antigen) negative and waiting for his (PCR) results. Interesting ??

I continue to have mild cold symptoms which aren't worsening, which I am most grateful for. I speed walk 3-4 miles each day without any breathing issues. I have to admit, I'm far less concerned with this virus than I have been for the last 1.5 years. Let's hope this Omnicrap is the beginning of the end.
Let's hope this Omnicrap is the beginning of the end.

I don't think it's gonna end anytime soon. Not as long as they can use it to control the population.
If EVERYBODY would stand up and say no more it would stop.
It's a control thing for the government and a money maker for pharmaceutical. Which the govement have their hands into.
That's my thoughts on it.
I have been taking a dose every two weeks since this thing started, and I work all over the place around alot of different people and have not caught it YET dont know if I am lucky or if it truly works, but I am not stopping now I have stopped doing butt spins out in the yard though so I know I dont have worms
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I have been taking a dose every two weeks since this thing started, and I work all over the place around alot of different people and have not caught it YET dont know if I am lucky or if it truly works, but I am not stopping now I have stopped doing butt spins out in the yard though
I'm guessing that you don't have any parasites either. 🤣 🤣 🤣
I just called about ivermectin. My cousin works there. He said they can't get it anymore, reason being people were overdoseing on it. But I'm sure the truth is it's hurting pharmaceutical profits.
funny how this drug can go from the Nobel prize drug 2015 to being labeled as a horse Dewormer by our lovely liberal media and Big Tech . I can only speak from my actual experience ! starting it day two after a positive test aside from regaining my taste day 8 my symptoms were over day 5 . so what can it hurt? its cheap but unfortunately most Doctors are reluctant to prescribe it. we had the actual tabs 12 mil for human use not forced like so many to get it n paste form at the Veterinarian section of a feed store. luckily later still having remaining tabs my wife contracted shingles somebody want to tell me how it stopped her spreading rash over her torso and thigh and reversed it in 6 hours ? confining it to a small site on her back where it originally started ?. get some it can be ordered on line made by, sealed and labeled in English by Merck 6 and 12 mil.
My family lives in 4 homes which are all within a short driving distance of each other. My kids are mature, married and have toddlers of their own. All 4 houses are now occupied by adults & children with active Covid.

Interestingly enough, both son-in-laws appear to be immune to the virus. They live with their wives & kids who are (PCR) tested positive and all are symptomatic. But, they display no symptoms and one just tested (PCR) negative while the other is (Antigen) negative and waiting for his (PCR) results. Interesting ??

I continue to have mild cold symptoms which aren't worsening, which I am most grateful for. I speed walk 3-4 miles each day without any breathing issues. I have to admit, I'm far less concerned with this virus than I have been for the last 1.5 years. Let's hope this Omnicrap is the beginning of the end.
Many in my podcasts found this out and knew this was the case since last year…..false positives with a faulty test that was NEVER meant to test for this.
I don't think it's gonna end anytime soon. Not as long as they can use it to control the population.
If EVERYBODY would stand up and say no more it would stop.
It's a control thing for the government and a money maker for pharmaceutical. Which the govement have their hands into.
That's my thoughts on it.
It's been done for awhile now, the only thing that keeps it going is the TV and news papers. If it weren't for the CONSTANT reminder of it we wouldn't even know it existed. In the bold…..YOU NAILED IT ON THE HEAD!! President Trump said in 2019 that the pharmaceutical industry was going to hate him and that he had to go away for awhile, what do you think he did, he set them up for ruin. The pharmaceutical industry/hospitals/colleges have been killing us knowingly and un-knowingly.

funny how this drug can go from the Nobel prize drug 2015 to being labeled as a horse Dewormer by our lovely liberal media and Big Tech . I can only speak from my actual experience ! starting it day two after a positive test aside from regaining my taste day 8 my symptoms were over day 5 . so what can it hurt? its cheap but unfortunately most Doctors are reluctant to prescribe it. we had the actual tabs 12 mil for human use not forced like so many to get it n paste form at the Veterinarian section of a feed store. luckily later still having remaining tabs my wife contracted shingles somebody want to tell me how it stopped her spreading rash over her torso and thigh and reversed it in 6 hours ? confining it to a small site on her back where it originally started ?. get some it can be ordered on line made by, sealed and labeled in English by Merck 6 and 12 mil.
The "elite", sports players and movie stars are using ivermectin…..just listened to a podcast that said Aaron Rodgers just let the cat out of the bag saying that the nfl's 99% medicated with the fake vaccine is taking ivermectin to keep going. It's the vaccinated that are spreading, testing positive and have the most deaths.

Here's the formula to the injection type: .0088 x body weight =cc/ml. Take that for up to 4 days and no more for a month.

Got that from a very reputable source and my wife and I have been using it with great effectiveness.

Covid is a real thing that has done harm to many in many different ways but you have to look at what numbers were let out, the flu number disappeared with covid…..why, they used the flu numbers……many died for no reason other than to be a statistic for the world governments and private western central bankers(Rothschilds), gates, World Economic Forum klaus schwab, soros. Sadly many will die from not being taken care of, not being able to get checked out to prevent cancers or other illnesses, doctors being suppressed, blacklisted and slandered. This all could've way way worse……one day the truth behind this all will come out and there will be trials/lawsuits and hopefully death sentences for those knowingly involved.
IHFarm - the flu/covid test story seems kind of odd. Most of the people that I know who have tested (PCR) positive for Covid had cold like symptoms that often started with a bad headache and a 1 day fever.

When people get the flu they are typically very sick and it lasts for the better part of a week. Out of my entire family, only one member was very symptomatic for a week and her symptoms were not consistent with what we associate with the flu.

It is also my understanding that better tests are now available whereby a single test can determine whether a patient has Covid, influenza A or influenza B. This makes it much faster and easier for a doctor to direct the appropriate course of treatment.
I get what you're saying about loading. I honestly think I enjoy the handloading process more than shooting guns. If for some medical reason (not COVID hahah) I became unable to shoot, i hope i'd be able to keep loading for people who could. I don't have time to shoot much for a few years now…sometimes I'm irritated that I don't have much empty brass to load…it's all full of primers and powders and bullets dang it!!! Sometimes I even refer to recreational shooting as "freeing up some brass"😃
IHFarm - the flu/covid test story seems kind of odd. Most of the people that I know who have tested (PCR) positive for Covid had cold like symptoms that often started with a bad headache and a 1 day fever.

When people get the flu they are typically very sick and it lasts for the better part of a week. Out of my entire family, only one member was very symptomatic for a week and her symptoms were not consistent with what we associate with the flu.

It is also my understanding that better tests are now available whereby a single test can determine whether a patient has Covid, influenza A or influenza B. This makes it much faster and easier for a doctor to direct the appropriate course of treatment.
What don't sound odd nowadays lol! Right is wrong, wrong is right, it's ok to have biological men play in woman's sports, there's more than two sexes etc. Like I said covid is real, whatever this "covid" is is man made in a lab in china… was a bio weapon. Why does it seem to kill ppl that, (in the government's eyes)are a drain on governments…..ppl on Medicare, drawing social security, obese, are always in the hospitals….

It was used to usher the world in one world government/new world order/great reset… many times have we been told "this is the new normal, get used to it" how many times has depopulation been the forefront to lessen carbon emissions from say cows/humans, cars etc.

Yes sir, the tests are supposed to be better/more useful. Problem now is that ppl without being sick is testing themselves out of fear and not out of common sense. The media sure used fear to push their narrative for sure.
I don't think it's gonna end anytime soon. Not as long as they can use it to control the population.
If EVERYBODY would stand up and say no more it would stop.
It's a control thing for the government and a money maker for pharmaceutical. Which the govement have their hands into.
That's my thoughts on it.
I think you are absolutely Right.

Lets go Brandon
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