Do I have Covid

The last twist to my story:

I was finally able to get a PCR test and was waiting for the negative results. Doctor just called me and said "ISOLATE". I now joined the bajallion other people here on Long Island that have the China Plague.
I took an Antigen test to confirm the original test result. It should take 15 minutes to get results. The test was positive in 60 seconds. Yikes !!

And for those who are curious: I had 2 Pfizer shots in February and got the booster in Oct.

I wonder if those .308Win loads had anything to do with this. ????????????????????????
Those "Shots", really DON'T work,.. my Daughter took, the "Jab" and she got Covid, too !
Personally, I'll WAIT til', they get "it",.. RIGHT ! ( which is, probably,.. NEVER )
There's NO cure for either the Flu or, the common Cold, yet ! What makes people think that, this is, any different ?
Hope you get well, SOON !
Yes, me thinks, that, some good Re-Loading "therapy" will probably work better than, those Pfizer Shots !
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I have been reloading for over 40 years and have always found it to be an addictive hobby. Sometimes I wonder if I shoot just so I can get home and start reloading again.
Lately, with all the craziness going on in the world, I just can't get motivated to hit the reloading bench.

What do you think; is this a symptom of Covid? Will it pass in 10 days?
I for one am jealous that you love reloading so much. I personally don't care for it, especially the brass prep and put it off as much as I can lol. I enjoy shooting accurately and consistently with great BC's so I reload out of necessity. Hopefully when my AutoTrickler V3 comes in and I set up my new Lab Radar soon I'll feel different about it.

Wishing you a speedy recovery and hopefully Covid doesn't get you too bad. Hope you're able to get the motivation back and power through on your downtime.
Dr. Zelenko protocol…….stay away from the depopulation/sterilization/immune killing shot that does absolutely NOTHING other than that^^. There's a new one the DOD/military is coming out with, it's supposed to be good for the cold, flu and covid which is the cold🙄. Or go to of the frontline doctors, they sell natural therapeutics.

As a kid we were always told to not take experimental drugs, yet here we are, being forced to or volunteering to take an experimental drug.

We have some neighbors who suffered with covid for a week. Then they contacted . They paid $90 each for a virtual doctor's visit, were prescribed ivermectin. Within 24 hours they turned the corner, and have thrived ever since.
I have several other friends with the same results. The ivermectin cost $45.
And for those who are curious: I had 2 Pfizer shots in February and got the booster in Oct.

I wonder if those .308Win loads had anything to do with this. ????????????????????????

I honestly don't believe the covid vac jabs have anything to do with preventing covid.
You either get it or don't
You survive it or you don't.

One thing for sure, when it's your time to go, living in a bubble can't save you.
It's all on God's time.
Get ivermectin !!
absolutely by the grace of God and Ivermectin with a low grade fever for 5 days totally clear day 8 ! I attempted to get the antibody therapy but its barely getting started here and pricey. pharmaceutical companies don't like it because its cheap. also stops shingles in its tracks
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