Do I have Covid

I have been reloading for over 40 years and have always found it to be an addictive hobby. Sometimes I wonder if I shoot just so I can get home and start reloading again.
Lately, with all the craziness going on in the world, I just can't get motivated to hit the reloading bench.

What do you think; is this a symptom of Covid? Will it pass in 10 days?
You actually have something much more costly and severe. You have "reloadvid 21".

dry mouth from breathing heavy from searching high and low
sore thumbs and fingers from frantic buying of components at breaks, lunch, in the crapper
empty wallet
general feelings of depression, with moments of shear joy when the next magical component is found
severe cases the person actually gives up shooting and reloading for a bit.….can sometimes result in self check in to a psychologist's care

take out a second mortgage on your house to buy overpriced factory ammo
randomly grab a rifle out of the safe and bitch about it on lrh until we convince you to get a new barrel…thus requiring a full load development
start a new build
buy an intentionally crummy rifle like a stock Remington with the intention of developing a 0.5moa load
or you could shoot your pistols, unless you got rid of them all to fuel this obsession
I think I'll just go down to my reloading room and get started. Sometimes you've just gotta force yourself into recovery. Two new boxes of Barnes bullets were delivered the other day and they just keep calling me; or ........... is that just another symptom. This Covid is so random and confusing. :rolleyes:
Well no safety zone here, me and the wife both have it. Came down with it Christmas Day. Been vaxed and maybe why the quite mildness of it. Went and got the infusion and never felt different one way or another, but dang, now I know what's the real culprit. Didn't listen to my inner self about going and get some reloading done. Thanks for showing me the light to cure by.

All seriousness, I know who the light is!!
I too am surrounded by positive Covid tests in my house. My safety zone is in basement and specifically the reloading room. I come upstairs to grab food or sleep. Started loading up 45ACP on a single stage press just to keep myself busy.
My daughters are married and have homes of their own. Unfortunately, everyone was here for Christmas Eve dinner, the "feast of seven fishes". It's a tradition that has carried on here for decades.

Now the house is empty except for my wife and I. She is currently banished to the second floor. That means I have to cook and deliver 3 meals a day. :rolleyes: We talk over Facetime. This crap is just too crazy for me.

On the lighter side; I went down to the reloading room and knocked out 50 .308win cartridges to break the ice. It wasn't too bad but the mask kept slipping down, thus, compromising the safety of the cartridges. 🤣 🤣
I have been reloading for over 40 years and have always found it to be an addictive hobby. Sometimes I wonder if I shoot just so I can get home and start reloading again.
Lately, with all the craziness going on in the world, I just can't get motivated to hit the reloading bench.

What do you think; is this a symptom of Covid? Will it pass in 10 days?
Sounds more like Gunorrhea
The last twist to my story:

I was finally able to get a PCR test and was waiting for the negative results. Doctor just called me and said "ISOLATE". I now joined the bajillion other people here on Long Island that have the China Plague.
I took an Antigen test to confirm the original test result. It should take 15 minutes to get results. The test was positive in 60 seconds. Yikes !!

And for those who are curious: I had 2 Pfizer shots in February and got the booster in Oct.

I wonder if those .308Win loads had anything to do with this. ????????????????????????
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I have been reloading for over 40 years and have always found it to be an addictive hobby. Sometimes I wonder if I shoot just so I can get home and start reloading again.
Lately, with all the craziness going on in the world, I just can't get motivated to hit the reloading bench.

What do you think; is this a symptom of Covid? Will it pass in 10 days?
Obviously it is the very clear symptom of SORE ASK. It's a real pandemic hitting the world. Happens from a getting DRY FARMED we have been taking for the last year.
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