Do I have Covid

I know more poisoned people that have got the "flu" than non poisoned people that have.

I'm a pure blood and will fricking stay that way !!
Hahaha I guess I'm content with being a mongrel or whatever a non-pure blood would be called. Actually though, all in good humour, no ill will here. I had decided for myself that once a vaccine was released I'd take it, I choose to trust scientific advancement here and it's my own decision but that's just the thing…it increasingly isn't for people and that's wrong. My decision on that matter was in no way influenced by government spin or coercion. My wife and I are vaccinated…we know people who aren't and if these proof of vaccination requirements get more severe we've assured several of our friends we'll go into to places and get what they need for them if they're not allowed in there, God forbid. Because that's BS.

I really do believe the vaccine is what they claim it is, no conspiracy here in my books, though no shortage of hype surrounding, well, all of this. Tons of people refusing to do their jobs and using COVID as an excuse not to…tons more losing their jobs. With all these proof of vax mandates and an ever increasing list of jobs that people can't stay at if they won't take the shot, it sends a mixed message I think and is actually making people who were on the fence about getting vaccinated less inclined to do so. I would be! I have a hard time with having faith in government that says "trust me" while they're holding a big stick just in case I don't 😉
What don't sound odd nowadays lol! Right is wrong, wrong is right, it's ok to have biological men play in woman's sports, there's more than two sexes etc. Like I said covid is real, whatever this "covid" is is man made in a lab in china… was a bio weapon. Why does it seem to kill ppl that, (in the government's eyes)are a drain on governments…..ppl on Medicare, drawing social security, obese, are always in the hospitals….

It was used to usher the world in one world government/new world order/great reset… many times have we been told "this is the new normal, get used to it" how many times has depopulation been the forefront to lessen carbon emissions from say cows/humans, cars etc.

Yes sir, the tests are supposed to be better/more useful. Problem now is that ppl without being sick is testing themselves out of fear and not out of common sense. The media sure used fear to push their narrative for sure.

I can't disagree with any of the points that you've made above. We are clearly on the wrong path in so many ways. My 90 yo mother-in-law says, "when right is wrong and wrong becomes right, the world will end". For the sake of all the little ones; I certainly hope not.
Hahaha I guess I'm content with being a mongrel or whatever a non-pure blood would be called. Actually though, all in good humour, no ill will here. I had decided for myself that once a vaccine was released I'd take it, I choose to trust scientific advancement here and it's my own decision but that's just the thing…it increasingly isn't for people and that's wrong. My decision on that matter was in no way influenced by government spin or coercion. My wife and I are vaccinated…we know people who aren't and if these proof of vaccination requirements get more severe we've assured several of our friends we'll go into to places and get what they need for them if they're not allowed in there, God forbid. Because that's BS.

I really do believe the vaccine is what they claim it is, no conspiracy here in my books, though no shortage of hype surrounding, well, all of this. Tons of people refusing to do their jobs and using COVID as an excuse not to…tons more losing their jobs. With all these proof of vax mandates and an ever increasing list of jobs that people can't stay at if they won't take the shot, it sends a mixed message I think and is actually making people who were on the fence about getting vaccinated less inclined to do so. I would be! I have a hard time with having faith in government that says "trust me" while they're holding a big stick just in case I don't 😉
I think each person has the right to choose to do what ever they want to do !!

I also believe that the vaccine is not here to help us in anyway .

250 million so the Media says 🤣
If you believe the media I think you should get the vaccine.
Also don't forgot to wear your mask !!

There's has been more adverse effects/deaths from this BS vaccine than all other vaccines combined since 1990.
Check out the info on the VAERS website it's all there ,and only a small fraction of the adverse affects are being reported.

If you believe it's good then get it in ya !!

God gave me an immune system and I trust it over any corrupt member off the DS ..
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250 million so the Media says 🤣
If you believe the media I think you should get the vaccine.
It only took two seconds to find a non-media source of the data. I also checked the CDC website which confirmed the numbers. You need to stop relying on the MSM for your info. LOL

I have been reloading for over 40 years and have always found it to be an addictive hobby. Sometimes I wonder if I shoot just so I can get home and start reloading again.
Lately, with all the craziness going on in the world, I just can't get motivated to hit the reloading bench.

What do you think; is this a symptom of Covid? Will it pass in 10 days?
Doesn't sound like it, unless you feel like you want to vote DemocRAT! the next time around. I think you're good. Cheer's 👍 ;)
Adding more kiln to the dumpster fire!

Right from the horses mouth the guy that has his evil hands and deep pockets in these very so called "vaccines", but the cdc changed the definition of vaccines to make these able to be called a vaccine.

Now idk about you all, but, it sure sounds like some nefarious ideas to lessen the co2. He says that we're approaching 9 billion ppl in the world, 15% of 9B is 1.35B. There's 195 countries in the world, 1.35B divided by 195 is 6.9Mish per country. Idk, sure sounds like it's definitely possible to kill, have irreversible harm to your brain, heart, sexual organs to reproduce and destroy your health of many ppl over FEAR from a cold/flu type illness that the health/big pharm industry held back drugs on that were already out there that cured it, that were around for 50-60 years and CHEAP. Protocols were changed to get positive/death numbers up and to stoke fear…….funny how history is repeating, pretty sure the Nazis put fear into german ppl to help get rid of 6M Jews…..interesting they used FEAR to get them to do ANYTHING!! Including selling their soles to the devil.

Everyone needs to entertain themselves to watching these…..they maybe way out there but if you think about it, most is possible, enjoy.
Watch 1-10

Sequel 1-20ish
It only took two seconds to find a non-media source of the data. I also checked the CDC website which confirmed the numbers. You need to stop relying on the MSM for your info. LOL

Lol, could it be that this place got the numbers FROM cdc, which we should all know is just as corrupt as the fbi and cia…..Idk about you but I wouldn't trust this source… you not realize how corrupt the government is and most of its agencies? Question everything and research.

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