Custom Left Hand Rifles - 4 to 6 week completion times on left hand rifles

Re: Left Hand Rifles - How much interest is there in "Ready To Ship" left hand rifles

This is really a business decision. Would you like to improve your income by ten percent? It's a no brainer!
Re: Left Hand Rifles - How much interest is there in "Ready To Ship" left hand rifles

Here's my idea for you. Stock the actions, magnum, long and short or lets say 3 magnums, 2 long and 2 short. Have the stocks pre bedded to the actions in left hand and then sell them like this or advertise them this way:
2 weeks till it ships, left hand (insert stock, action and barrel description) and then say in (for example) 264 win, 7mm stw, 300 win. You have the barrel blanks and can cerecoat them so instead of one extreme or another you have them prebedded and all you have to do is chamber, cerecoat and headspace (not in that order) and it simplifies how much inventory you have while still having as close to "ready to ship" as you can without all the cost and inventory. What I would say is look at how fast anything left hand is sold in your classifieds! They never take long and us lefties are way more used to paying substantially more than righties. We also go the custom route faster since there are so few " non-custom" options. You would be filling a niche and in this economy anything that gives you an edge is good. Let me.know since I need a 6 mm something.

Great idea, minus bedding the stocks, you cant bed an action before you ceracoat it or barrel it, as the ceracoat changes the o.d. of the action slightly enough to effect bedding pressure, also, you cant bed the recoil lug or first inch of barrel without it being assembled. Im sure Len is aware of this, but i just though i would point it out.
Re: Left Hand Rifles - How much interest is there in "Ready To Ship" left hand rifles

I am a right hand shooter, but a customer is a customer and regardless of the business perspective of having product sit on the shelf being costly.Produce one of each so when the order does come in they're not left empty handed. easy to build another when one is sold.
Re: Left Hand Rifles - How much interest is there in "Ready To Ship" left hand rifles

I am left handed, I shoot a bow and a rifle right handed, everything else including
pistol I do left handed. I am a rather mediocre rifle shot and a pretty high end pistol
competitor. So being to old to change , I can say if my son was a lefty I would love the
availability of left handed rifles.
Re: Left Hand Rifles - How much interest is there in "Ready To Ship" left hand rifles

I am a right hand shooter, but a customer is a customer and regardless of the business perspective of having product sit on the shelf being costly.Produce one of each so when the order does come in they're not left empty handed. easy to build another when one is sold.

+1 the demand for the product will answer your question.

I'm at work so I haven't read through this thread fully. If you are just starting to offer left handed, then you will probably get a surge in sales that will balance out until you have an idea of what you need to have on hand to be timely.

If you've been offering lefty rifles all along, you should probably already have a feel for if you need to keep more than one rifle on the shelf or not.
Re: Left Hand Rifles - How much interest is there in "Ready To Ship" left hand rifles

Yep, long overdue. All you RH guys out there make comments like...there are plenty of LH options around like Savage, Remington, Tikka etc. But when you start looking for a specific rifle and calibre the options soon reduce to very little. For example Remington only make a blued action no stainless option. Sako don't make any current models LH and the last short action was the 591 some 20 odd years ago!

I recently contacted that company that's making the custom titanium action to see if they were making a LH option....nope!

Stiller, Bordon, Nesika do LH options which is great.

Can you supply it with a proper left hand scope as well? All the new ones have side focus on the left hand side which is a real pain for left hand shooters (or at lease me).

The stock needs to have a left hand cheek piece!

How about a beam scale the right way around, and even the little scale pan has the finger tab on the wrong side.

NB 20% of humans are left hands. you referred to 10% of males, what about the other 10% females that are left handed. Left handed people with smaller frames are even more disadvantages as its more difficult to operate right hand centrefire rifles that don't fit and are too heavy!


Re: Left Hand Rifles - How much interest is there in "Ready To Ship" left hand rifles

I am Right handed but left eye dominant and learned to shoot either way because of that. Just another thought to throw out. Try it you might like it.
Re: Left Hand Rifles - How much interest is there in "Ready To Ship" left hand rifles

Don't do it, the Ned Flanders of the world are used to waiting for left handed ice cream scoups, left handed toilets, and left handed scissors.

My father is avid gunshow table guy. He hauls is wares all over Wyoming 5 or 6 times a year. He was stuck with a pair of left handed Weatherby accumark rifles in 257 and 340 (perfect Wyoming calibers) for 4 years, until a left handed man bought both of them. Those 2 guns probably went to 85 gunshows. The gist of the lesson being that most left handed people are used to ordering a factory or custom rifle and having to wait. If there was something they wanted it usually came through a custom order. 99 times in a hundred a left hander is looking for something specific, Dad got asked about 7mm Weatherby and 300 Weatherby rifles at every show in south paw form.

As for the caliber poll, I would take it with a grain of salt.
Re: Left Hand Rifles - How much interest is there in "Ready To Ship" left hand rifles

You are so right in the wait for quality . I waited six months for a custom scope for long range hog rifle. The idea of two in popular calibers will sell.
Re: Left Hand Rifles - How much interest is there in "Ready To Ship" left hand rifles

I am a lefty ,but shoot right side just for the reason left handed riffles are hard to find.
The only left handed rifle I have is a savage I bought in 1963.
I can shoot either side.

It does not matter to me :)
Re: Left Hand Rifles - How much interest is there in "Ready To Ship" left hand rifles

Dr. Vette

I assume you're relying on that poll because those are the calibers you do/may offer?

Actually you have the order reversed. I started that poll in order to decide whcih cartridges to offer. Even before I started the poll I ran a thread asking for suggested cartridges. From that list of "mentioned" cartridges I chose as "finalists" the ones that were mentioned in the thread most often. Those "finalists" became part of the poll.

Then I selected from the poll results.
Re: Left Hand Rifles - How much interest is there in "Ready To Ship" left hand rifles

Len, Obviously a lot of us lefties out there. I know the rifle manuf. have definitely taken an interest in the lefty market as you see more and more usable rifles out there and with features you might not have seen 10 years ago. I think it was about 8 years ago I picked up a LH Hill Country in .300 Win. Kind of fell into it as the wait used to be 6 months for a built from the ground up model. Most of my LH buddies like .300 Win., .308, 7MM, .243.
All like good huting rifles that are reliable. I've read about your rifles and of course your reputation will create a market on it's own. I hope this is a road you are getting ready to go down Len.
Re: Left Hand Rifles - How much interest is there in "Ready To Ship" left hand rifles

I'm a right hander so I guess this doesn't apply to me but I know of others who are lefties and use right handers.
I've asked them and given the choice they prefer to stay with the system they're used to, also because it's easier to sell a standard item
Re: Left Hand Rifles - How much interest is there in "Ready To Ship" left hand rifles

When I purchased my .308, it was a Remy 700 VSS. I initially was going to buy a right handed model since I didn't think I would ever be able to find a left handed one. Plus I figured it would be better to learn on a righty since most rifles I would come across would be right handed.

Just when I was getting ready to make the purchase, a left handed one showed up so I picked that up instead. A lot of people I think choose right handed just to adapt, even if that would not really be their preference.

As evidence, I also give you this :LEFT HANDED for sale page - Sniper's Hide Forums

It is a thread dedicated to left handed rifles for sale on snipershide. I've seen some really nice GAP and other custom builds move through there.

The market might be small, but it IS there. The day I order a custom rifle, it WILL be left handed. I'm not going to drop that kind of coin on something that will look like a red headed step child.
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