Custom Left Hand Rifles - 4 to 6 week completion times on left hand rifles

Are you offering a 300 RUM in Left Hand at this point? If so what can you tell me about stock options such as synthetic, camo, green? And barrels such as blue, stainless, coated, etc. Of course costs. I have no problem with the 4 to 6 week wait time.

FYI I have a Kimber 1911 .45 caliber special NRA Freedom Defender edition that I plan on letting go below retail. It's NIB and NEVER fired. Seirial number confirms autenticity beginning with KNRA so it's not just engraved grips but the real deal.

Available for trade or sale to other memebers of this post. I've been offered $1.200 but felt like the deal was shady. I'd rather take less for a fellow member. Maybe $1,000 and you pay the fee's? You can't buy a regular Kimber for that.

Craig Hartman
Re: Left Hand Rifles - How much interest is there in "Ready To Ship" left hand rifles

As a southpaw i'm so used to not having anything that even remotely resembles what i'm looking for, this is intriguing; it could fill a niche, but demand will never be what it is for righties. Who knows, a couple to "test the water" might not be a bad idea...but what caliber???:rolleyes:

Well I am a lefty and anyone who builds them. More praise to them!
Re: Left Hand Rifles - How much interest is there in "Ready To Ship" left hand rifles

Well I am a lefty and anyone who builds them. More praise to them!

I was alluding to the offering from our major companies, Rem, Win, Ruger, Savage. As a southpaw, our factory selection just plain sucks, that is what my statement was based on.
This thread is quite old now, but I would like to comment. 10% of people are left handed. Another 30% are left eye dominate, like myself. When I switched over to the left shoulder my groups were cut in half that day. ( I have been wearing glasses since the first grade. Corrected acuity in the right eye is half of the left.)That made me a believer. I vote for 280 Rem Ackley Improved for your cartridge list. It is a very efficient and now a SAAMI cartridge.
I love seeing that there are companies that are doing more to work with left handed shooters, not less like the majors.
Warning! This thread is more than 13 years ago old.
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