Couple of varmints harassing poultry succumb to 15 grains of WSM.

That's for sure! Here's my 15 1/2 yr old female which is mostly deaf and partially blind with a baby opossum that happened to be in the yard and she exterminated it very quickly then wouldn't let go of it. She was very proud of herself!View attachment 201999

If she hadn't been on that leash, she probably would have taken out the entire family.
Those Jack Russell's have the heart of a lion. Can you imagine going down the hole after a fox that has been thoroughly PO'ed by a bunch of guys on horses ? That's what they bred them for, and if they happen to tangle with the badger while they're down there, the poor badger will probably come out second-best. Those little dogs have balls like a canal horse. My brother had one years ago, and that dog thought it weighed 150 pounds.
I've dug badger for a few decades in England,and ,Ireland ,and Wales,no terrier on planet earth can stop a badger,many will die trying because of the heart and gameness bred in them.We use the hardest terriers bred for earth work,the Patterdale. Will post some pictures real soon.
I've dug badger for a few decades in England,and ,Ireland ,and Wales,no terrier on planet earth can stop a badger,many will die trying because of the heart and gameness bred in them.We use the hardest terriers bred for earth work,the Patterdale. Will post some pictures real soon.
Here's some many would be too graphic ,these terriers are from 11 to 15 lbs,and nothing their size is comparable for heart and gameness.In USA they are used to go in the ground on fox,coon,and groundhog mostly,in Europe fox,and bagder,many succumb to badger ,been there seen it.They never will quit,the way they're bred over there.Some of these photos show the aftermath after dug to quarry,and what after weeks a dog looked like.All these pics are Ireland,and England Lakes District origin. I have thousands.Last picture USA the terrier was dug to,and the coon was very dead,hard for many to believe,but so very true.


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A young fox has very thin skin I tore one front leg and his tail pulling too hard crap!
I've dug badger for a few decades in England,and ,Ireland ,and Wales,no terrier on planet earth can stop a badger,many will die trying because of the heart and gameness bred in them.We use the hardest terriers bred for earth work,the Patterdale. Will post some pictures real soon.

I'm surprised to hear that the badger is tougher than these tough-as-nails terriers. I had long known that they are seriously bad news, but I had no idea that they are that nasty. They must be bad to the bone.
I'm surprised to hear that the badger is tougher than these tough-as-nails terriers. I had long known that they are seriously bad news, but I had no idea that they are that nasty. They must be bad to the bone.
I spent six weeks in England,Ireland ,Scotland and Wales,digging badger and fox,the badger will take a terrier apart. A discretionary dog that can stay with the badger,and out of harms way is desired over one that is too hard and goes in for the kill.The badger is never harmed,or killed,unlike foxes,but remains unscathed to be dug another day.Badger digging is unlawful over there but done routinely nevertheless,true test of a terrier is holding him till diggers get to him. The hole shown was in Tipperary Ireland minutes before the badger was gotten to,no pictures allowed of dog on badger,the rules of the boys over there.These terriers will take a fox apart in the ground,or bolt them out of lairs,where the hounds then devour them. I've literally hundred of pictures ,maybe thousands of terrier digs.The terrier on the coon was dug to here after two hours,the coon was killed by the terrier in the ground,may be hard for some to believe,but is,the terrier came from Patterdale in the lakes district of England,descendents here to this day.terrier is 14lbs,coon nudging twenty.
I remember once reading about the incredible amount of damage digging by badgers has done to foundations of stone buildings, ancient Roman ruins, etc. in Britain. Kind of like our groundhogs on steroids. Have even considered going over there to offer up my "services" (if I ever came into the money and time) if the ever-dwindling amount of groundhogs to hunt here runs out.
Would a few riflemen do any good towards reducing the numbers of those creatures, or is it even legal to shoot them over there?
I remember once reading about the incredible amount of damage digging by badgers has done to foundations of stone buildings, ancient Roman ruins, etc. in Britain. Kind of like our groundhogs on steroids. Have even considered going over there to offer up my "services" (if I ever came into the money and time) if the ever-dwindling amount of groundhogs to hunt here runs out.
Would a few riflemen do any good towards reducing the numbers of those creatures, or is it even legal to shoot them over there?
I don't believe you can but not for certain. I'm still finding enough GH ,to keep my attention,in these counties,Adams,Scioto,Carrol,Medina,and Summit,along the Ohio river heading into Portsmouth is loaded,long shots to,250 to 500 Dalton Ohio and Funk Ohio have a pretty good population also.
While chuuting prairie dogs in a north western state some yrs back this badger ''ATTACKED'' a 40gr VMAX @3800fps meant for a nearby prairie dog. lt was a ''fight to the finish'' too.o_O
The badger caught that VMAX with a frontal lunge just below his chin. The fight was over in a nanosecond;). Badger ate that VMAX whole.. As the Badger and VMAX both lay still the guide commented, ''A badger will eat just about ANYTHING'':cool:
Run em down when you catch them above ground and give them numerous hits over the head with a scoop shovel and that does it too...........
I actually like badgers,our North American,and European ,both are badger but different.It's considered sacrilegious to kill or harm one in UK,or Ireland,provides great sport and dog work.Their strength and bite is legendary,and well deserved.European badger here.
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