Out again today,not bad,I'm really starting to like this 17WSM.All succumbed to Winchester Varmint X 15 grain polymer tip rapid expansion @3300 fps.

I'm very interested in you posting pictures of what they all do to the stock and how they bed it, if they do at all.

I'd definitely like to see pics of the stock in the action area, without the barreled action in it, when you get it back so please post some of those pics.
Here's why i know whatever Kelblys does will improve the overall accuracy of the rifle.This is at 50 yards with a 15 mph wind,benched,I run all my various loadings through a
ballistics calculator,and it shows me where i'll be at various yardages.First picture was a 20 grain two shots,all targets are one inch.Second started out poorly but did get a four shots in same hole 15 grain,,last target was a little goofy,the flexing of the junk plastic stock is reason to do this,these were 25 grain.New pictures when Kelblys finishes,despite these mediocre groups i've not missed any targets yet.


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Kelbly builds nice stuff, I have one of their rifles, but, I also have a Bmag and as much as I like it, it is what it is and the 17 WSM ammo is what it is too. What's that saying, "can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.

Like I said, I'm interested in seeing the actual work Kelbly does to your gun, not targets.
Kelbly builds nice stuff, I have one of their rifles, but, I also have a Bmag and as much as I like it, it is what it is and the 17 WSM ammo is what it is too. What's that saying, "can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.

Like I said, I'm interested in seeing the actual work Kelbly does to your gun, not targets.
It will be done this week,however when it's put together i'm not taking it apart,but will happily tell you what they've done,and Ian would be happy to also,he's great. I'm looking forward to sighting it in.I believe the rifle will shoot 1 to 1/1.4 inches at 100 yards under ideal bench conditions and less than 5 mph wind.Here's the way most of my varmint getters shoot ,in fact all@100 yds,mind you ideal conditions.Four shots.
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It will be done this week,however when it's put together i'm not taking it apart

LOL There's nothing special or "magical" about removing two action screws and taking a Bmags barreled action out of a stock and putting it back in but that's about what I was figuring you were going to say. You can post all kinds of pics but you're worried about taking a Bmag out of its stock and putting it back in? LOL
LOL There's nothing special or "magical" about removing two action screws and taking a Bmags barreled action out of a stock and putting it back in but that's about what I was figuring you were going to say. You can post all kinds of pics but you're worried about taking a Bmag out of its stock and putting it back in? LOL
Sir,if you think i'm giving you a line of BS,I'll send you Ians number he can assuredly tell you I'm not about any form of BS,want his number i'll send it.
Sir,if you think i'm giving you a line of BS,I'll send you Ians number he can assuredly tell you I'm not about any form of BS,want his number i'll send it.
My point is, Kelbly isn't going to do much, if anything, except swap the stock for you and free float the barrel. They may try and do some kind of pillar but due to the Bmags design it's doubtful and, again, due to the Bmags design, it's not likely they'll bed the actual action. That isn't anything against Kelbly but if you knew anything about your Bmag you'd better understand what I'm talking about. In fact, I'd imagine they'd probably prefer you didn't name drop at all and tell anyone they were even working on a Bmag.

Because the Bmag is such a poor design and of mediocre quality, I am alllllll for anything that makes them better, but I want to see the actual work that they have done that makes it better, not just name drop Kelbly then show a target/s claiming how much better it is.
My point is, Kelbly isn't going to do much, if anything, except swap the stock for you and free float the barrel. They may try and do some kind of pillar but due to the Bmags design it's doubtful and, again, due to the Bmags design, it's not likely they'll bed the actual action. That isn't anything against Kelbly but if you knew anything about your Bmag you'd better understand what I'm talking about. In fact, I'd imagine they'd probably prefer you didn't name drop at all and tell anyone they were even working on a Bmag.

Because the Bmag is such a poor design and of mediocre quality, I am alllllll for anything that makes them better, but I want to see the actual work that they have done that makes it better, not just name drop Kelbly then show a target/s claiming how much better it is.
Kelblys is done picking it up tomorrow,they bedded every part of the barreled action,and free floated the barrel. If i didn't ,or it doesn't improve the accuracy,there's two alternatives.
Send it back to Savage and get a new rifle ,under warranty to shoot an inch at 100 yds,or move it on.
As it shot in the pictures,it's unlikely i'd miss a shot on anything.As anyone knows Kelblys is world renowned and typically wouldn't work on a Bmag,however Ian did for me,and he's not bothered by me telling anyone.Tomorrow we'll see,lots of accuracy issues are ammo related due to inconsistencies in the manufacturing process. PS,you're welcome to call ian he'll happily explain in detail what he did for me,and wants to see how she shoots.I've already cleared it with him,he could explain way better than i can what he's done.
you're welcome to call ian he'll happily explain in detail what he did for me,and wants to see how she shoots.I've already cleared it with him,he could explain way better than i can what he's done.
Not interested in any explanation/s, a picture is worth 1000 words, but you don't seem to be interested in posting actual pics of the work that was done, easier to just talk about it I guess. Or, maybe since not much was really done, you don't want to post a pic.
Got to thinking about some "closet queens" I have. Of the three Ruger #1s,all in beautiful exhibition grade English walnut, one was in .22 rimfire mag. Do not know why I got it in that cal., but I guess I liked it at the time, in 1992. Sooo, I found Jack Keister in Harrisonburg,Va. who said he could get Lilja to make a barrel in 17 WSM for it and he'd install it. I took it to him and the process has started! Best part is that I may get lucky and have it back by Sept! Jack has a reputation, as does Lilja, of being accuracy oriented so I am pretty sure this Ruger #1 will be accurate. Hope I can remember then to post the news on it.
Got to thinking about some "closet queens" I have. Of the three Ruger #1s,all in beautiful exhibition grade English walnut, one was in .22 rimfire mag. Do not know why I got it in that cal., but I guess I liked it at the time, in 1992. Sooo, I found Jack Keister in Harrisonburg,Va. who said he could get Lilja to make a barrel in 17 WSM for it and he'd install it. I took it to him and the process has started! Best part is that I may get lucky and have it back by Sept! Jack has a reputation, as does Lilja, of being accuracy oriented so I am pretty sure this Ruger #1 will be accurate. Hope I can remember then to post the news on it.
That should be very interesting,should outshoot the Savage easily.I do like this 17 gotta admit,especially after Kelblys tuned her up.
It is an amazing round. I've taken prairie dogs to a bit over 300 yds several times, and I'm sure it would go further. Groundhogs DRT. I've head disparaging remarks about the BMAG, but I believe they were all the early thin barrels. I have a Ruger 77 in 17WSM that I have been shooting, and after a new stock and full bedding, it shoots better than I can. I am excited about this new build!
It is an amazing round. I've taken prairie dogs to a bit over 300 yds several times, and I'm sure it would go further. Groundhogs DRT. I've head disparaging remarks about the BMAG, but I believe they were all the early thin barrels. I have a Ruger 77 in 17WSM that I have been shooting, and after a new stock and full bedding, it shoots better than I can. I am excited about this new build!
That's exactly what I had done to my Savage,heavy barrel,I was down your way a couple weeks ago,Cana Va. Popped a couple,healthy supply of GH down there but I only got out less than two hrs.wouldn't mind living there sometime,however with the gun laws ,might pass and head to NC,nevertheless a beautiful state.
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