Couple of varmints harassing poultry succumb to 15 grains of WSM.

Would love to have a dog to bloodtrail. Archery guys I hunt with occasionally have to work late into the day to locate them. Wasted meat if you can't get to them quick enough...
I've had two dogs that would blood trail and find just a few drops of blood and locate animals for me it's instinct for them and in their nature if you just work a little bit with most any dog they will do it
I've had two dogs that would blood trail and find just a few drops of blood and locate animals for me it's instinct for them and in their nature if you just work a little bit with most any dog they will do it
A piece of deer hide with hair on it that you've cut off a deer within a years time works also .
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Would love to have a dog to bloodtrail. Archery guys I hunt with occasionally have to work late into the day to locate them. Wasted meat if you can't get to them quick enough...
Gets hot quick in Az. ! I archery hunted 12A Kiabab for 25 yrs until it went to a draw. Had a lot of fun in Jan. area 21 late archery deer and javalina. One of my favorite hunts for many years. Miss it.
I get to add a little this morning. My German Shepherd was making an awful lot of noise last night, and he never barks unless something is going on. so I grabbed my CZ shadow2 with the stream light attached, with a quick scan of the yard I immediately saw them.... 5 coons tearing up the weather stripping on the barn. As soon as I hit them with the light they scrambled up a tree, but not far enough, fast enough. 5 rounds of 124 HP put to rest 5 coons. (My wife was less than impressed since it was 3:30 am when the shots rang out lol) I really love this little gun, I've lost count exactly but I know it's accounted for over 20 coons and at least a dozen opossums. It's a slick unbelievably accurate handgun. View attachment 201708
Wack and stack them dam Coons. Trash can raiders .
Hard to believe this little fella has turned into a great tracking dog. The only problem is he has no fear. He even went on a wolf that came into the yard, I had to intercede on his behalf!!


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The kids hound .he has a toothy smile but the dog is amazing if I can get him to quit being gun shy and possibly get a down coat for him he would be an excellent hunting partner he's a cherneco del Etna a Sicilian sight hound fast as hell but likes the heat not a good match for montana in November (not much hair or fat to keep him warm )


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My Grandaughter's new Honda Fit was attacked by a couple of Junkyard Dogs like these a few years back. They ran out into the street at a Stop Sign. Attacked the car, bit and flattened a front TIRE and chewed on the front plastic bodywork... AAA rescued the car after Aiken County Sheriffs Department eliminated the THREAT.. 0wner said they had never done anything like that before... Aiken County said they'd never do it AGAIN. The incident prompted my Grand to specialize on animal behavior in Vet School @ UTenn
My Grandaughter's new Honda Fit was attacked by a couple of Junkyard Dogs like these a few years back. They ran out into the street at a Stop Sign. Attacked the car, bit and flattened a front TIRE and chewed on the front plastic bodywork... AAA rescued the car after Aiken County Sheriffs Department eliminated the THREAT.. 0wner said they had never done anything like that before... Aiken County said they'd never do it AGAIN. The incident prompted my Grand to specialize on animal behavior in Vet School @ UTenn
Every dog has its own personality just like people. I guarantee you my dog was definitely not a "junkyard dog". He ran loose his entire life and never once acted aggressively towards any person. My 14lb Jack Russell terrier had more aggression than the 92lb Doberman towards certain people! She would bite him on the lip and he would cower in fear of that little dog. Lol
No dog better throwing out wild boar from their kettles and in the search for theirblood then a Blue Merle Scottish Collie. I think you call them Lassie :eek:


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I get to add a little this morning. My German Shepherd was making an awful lot of noise last night, and he never barks unless something is going on. so I grabbed my CZ shadow2 with the stream light attached, with a quick scan of the yard I immediately saw them.... 5 coons tearing up the weather stripping on the barn. As soon as I hit them with the light they scrambled up a tree, but not far enough, fast enough. 5 rounds of 124 HP put to rest 5 coons. (My wife was less than impressed since it was 3:30 am when the shots rang out lol) I really love this little gun, I've lost count exactly but I know it's accounted for over 20 coons and at least a dozen opossums. It's a slick unbelievably accurate handgun. View attachment 201708

Looks like you got the whole family.
Every dog has its own personality just like people. I guarantee you my dog was definitely not a "junkyard dog". He ran loose his entire life and never once acted aggressively towards any person. My 14lb Jack Russell terrier had more aggression than the 92lb Doberman towards certain people! She would bite him on the lip and he would cower in fear of that little dog. Lol

Those Jack Russell's have the heart of a lion. Can you imagine going down the hole after a fox that has been thoroughly PO'ed by a bunch of guys on horses ? That's what they bred them for, and if they happen to tangle with the badger while they're down there, the poor badger will probably come out second-best. Those little dogs have balls like a canal horse. My brother had one years ago, and that dog thought it weighed 150 pounds.
Those Jack Russell's have the heart of a lion. Can you imagine going down the hole after a fox that has been thoroughly PO'ed by a bunch of guys on horses ? That's what they bred them for, and if they happen to tangle with the badger while they're down there, the poor badger will probably come out second-best. Those little dogs have balls like a canal horse. My brother had one years ago, and that dog thought it weighed 150 pounds.
That's for sure! Here's my 15 1/2 yr old female which is mostly deaf and partially blind with a baby opossum that happened to be in the yard and she exterminated it very quickly then wouldn't let go of it. She was very proud of herself!
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