Couple of varmints harassing poultry succumb to 15 grains of WSM.

Had a doberman that would kill any critter in the yard or near the yard but loved people. Had those huge red squirrels always taunting him then one day he caught one too far from the tree....he carried it around for 2 days and would throw it down at the base of the trees and look up at the other ones like come on down!! Also would dig full grown groundhogs out of their holes. Came home one day looking like this...hmmm whatcha been up to?? LOL:D
I get to add a little this morning. My German Shepherd was making an awful lot of noise last night, and he never barks unless something is going on. so I grabbed my CZ shadow2 with the stream light attached, with a quick scan of the yard I immediately saw them.... 5 coons tearing up the weather stripping on the barn. As soon as I hit them with the light they scrambled up a tree, but not far enough, fast enough. 5 rounds of 124 HP put to rest 5 coons. (My wife was less than impressed since it was 3:30 am when the shots rang out lol) I really love this little gun, I've lost count exactly but I know it's accounted for over 20 coons and at least a dozen opossums. It's a slick unbelievably accurate handgun.
Nice job. I caught a big coon up in our pecan tree. Stuck the 204 ruger out the back door. The 35gr Berger got him out of the tree fast.
I purchased a 204 from RUGER about a month ago and took it to the range and was VERY disappointed in the rifle. I put about 140 rounds down the tube and even with three rock-solid bags and in a prone position, the best group that I could get, and shooting 25 yards was a group, after several tries, was a group about the size of a tennis ball. I had read that those pounded in rifling were supposed to be very accurate? Well, that is B.S.
Please let me know if you had any problems with your rifle
Yep he was a good dog! Unfortunately, we lost him Labor Day weekend 2011 at 7years old due to a heart arrhythmia. Still have a soft spot for Dobies every time I interact with one.
I know what you mean the dogs in my pictures above I've had for two years I've had many Danes over the years and it is heartbreaking due to their size they only live about eight years I'm sorry for your loss and understand how you feel
Like all of you I love my dog's. Had a lab/golden retriever for 16 yrs. Was my 2nd son. The most loyal dog I've ever had. My current dog is a Chessipeak Bay Retriever . He'll be 7 next mon. He loves to deer hunt with me. He's my ears and extra eyes. I key off him. He's hunted 6 states with me. This is him in N.M. last year.
Would love to have a dog to bloodtrail. Archery guys I hunt with occasionally have to work late into the day to locate them. Wasted meat if you can't get to them quick enough...
I don't want to say unfortunately but I haven't had to use him for that. He has a hell of a nose on him. I just have to say find it. Or dead bird. Hopefully no water around... He's company when I hunt alone .
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